Chapter IV: Skills & Talents
a mbIdeXTrous Description: You can use either hand equally well. You do not suffer the normal –20% WS or BS penalty when using a weapon in your secondary hand. a rCane l ore Description: You have studied one of the Empire’s traditions of magic. Arcane Lore is unusual in that it is not one talent, but many. Such is the study and focus required that you can only ever know one. Each Arcane Lore talent is a separate magical proficiency, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Arcane Lore (Beasts) is a different talent than Arcane Lore (Fire). The most common Arcane Lores, known as the Eight Orders of Magic, are Beasts, Death, Fire, the Heavens, Life, Light, Metal, and Shadow. If you know an Arcane Lore, you can attempt to cast any spell from that lore. See Chapter 7: Magic for spell lists and further details. a rmoured C asTIng Description: Your prayers help you cast spells while wearing armour. Your Casting Roll penalty while wearing armour is reduced by 3 when you cast chaos and divine spells. Normally, you’d suffer a –3 penalty for wearing a mail shirt, for example, but with Armoured Casting this penalty would be reduced to 0. a rTIsTIC Description: You have true creative talent. You gain a +20% bonus on Trade (Artist) Tests and +10% on tests to Evaluate objects d’art. C onTorTIonIsT Description: You can bend and manipulate your body in a myriad of unnatural ways. You gain a +10% bonus on relevant Performer Skill Tests and a +20% bonus on Agility Tests to escape from bonds, squeeze through narrow openings, and so on. C oolheaded Description: You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Will Power Characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this bonus. d ark l ore Description: You have embraced one of the forbidden arts of sorcery. Dark Lore is unusual in that it is not one talent, but many. Such is the study and focus required that you can only ever know one. Each Dark Lore talent is a separate magical proficiency, with the specialty noted in parenthesis. For example, Dark Lore (Chaos) is a different talent than Dark Lore (Necromancy). The most common Dark Lores are Chaos and Necromancy. Future supplements will detail additional Dark Lores, including those of the Chaos powers Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch. If you know a Dark Lore, you can attempt to cast any spell from that lore. See Chapter 7: Magic for spell lists and further details. d ark m agIC Description: You know how to manipulate Dhar (black magic) to fuel your spells. Using Dark Magic gives you more power, but is much more dangerous. When you cast a spell, you can opt to
use the energy of Dhar to fuel it. When making a Casting Roll for a Dark Magic spell, you roll an extra d10 and drop the die with the lowest result. However, all dice count for the purposes of Tzeentch’s Curse. For example, a wizard with Magic 2 who casts a dark magic spell rolls 3d10 and uses the highest two dice for his Casting Roll. All three dice are used to determine Tzeentch’s Curse. If he rolled a 6, 6, and 6, the Casting Roll would be 12 (6+6), but the spell would trigger a Major Chaos Manifestation. You must use Dark Magic when casting a Dark Lore spell. See Chapter 7: Magic for more information on spellcasting. d ealmaker Description: You are a slick-talking businessman who knows how to close a deal. You gain a +10% bonus on Evaluate and Haggle Skill Tests. d Isarm Description: If you hit with a melee attack, you may attempt to disarm your opponent instead of inflicting damage. Make an Opposed Agility Test. If you win, your opponent is disarmed and the weapon drops to the ground. It can be picked up with the ready action. If your opponent wins, he retains his weapon. Natural weapons (teeth, claws, etc.) cannot be disarmed. d IVIne l ore Description: Your dedication to your deity is such that your prayers can produce magical effects. Divine Lore is unusual in that it is not one talent, but many different ones. Such is the devotion required that you can only ever know one Divine Lore. Each Divine Lore talent is a separate magical
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