
" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4  r  / & 8 4 NEW FRONTLINE HEALTH GRADS


Virtual applause from officials for the provincial government and local employment and education agencies heralded the graduation of three dozen new frontline health care workers for Eastern Ontario. “This is just the beginning,” said Jean Dubois, skills development coordinator for the Centre de services à l’emploi de Prescott- 3VTTFMM&NQMPZNFOU$FOUSF $&4 EVSJOHB 'FCSVBSZWJSUVBMQSFTTDPOGFSFODF The focus of the event was to celebrate the graduation of 35 new certified personnel TVQQPSUXPSLFST 148 GSPNBOFXUSBJOJOH QSPHSBNTFUVQCZUIF$&4MBTU0DUPCFSBT B KPJOUQSPKFDUXJUIUIF.JOJTUSZPG-BCPVS  Training, and Skills Development through JUT4LJMMT1MVT0OUBSJPQSPHSBN UIF$BUIPMJD %JTUSJDU4DIPPM#PBSEPG&BTUFSO0OUBSJP $%4#&0 BOE +PC;POFEFNQMPJ.BOZ of the graduates of this first phase of the USBJOJOHQSPHSBNIBWFBMSFBEZGPVOEFNQMPZ - ment as front-line health care workers in the region and program officials expect the remainder will soon find positions working with seniors or the disables in long-term facilities or through social service agencies. i5IJT USBJOJOH PQQPSUVOJUZDBNFUPNF as a blessing,” said Ira Sharma Chhibbers, a Vankleek Hill resident, who is now looking GPSB148QPTJUJPOBGUFSHSBEVBUJOHGSPNUIF QSPHSBNi*LOPXUIFSFBSFNBOZDIBMMFOHFT  but I am up to them. I’m positive I will get something soon.” 5IFàSTUQIBTFPGUIF148USBJOJOHQSP - HSBNXBTPGGFSFE JO&OHMJTI JO7BOLMFFL Hill and in Cornwall. The next phase of the program will provide bilingual training for 44 participants. &/#3&'r#3*&'4 HARDEN STREET Hawkesbury council approved a bylaw to dedicate Harden Street, a new public road created from property that the municipality acquired. – Gregg Chamberlain

i8FBSFWFSZQSPVEPGUIFTVDDFTTPGUIJT innovative project, which allows for accele- rated training of personal support workers,” TUBUFE-JPOFM3FOBVE $&4CPBSEDIBJSNBO i5IFOFFE GPS UIJT UZQFPGFNQMPZFFXBT there long before the pandemic, but it was accentuated and made more pressing as UIF $07*% TJUVBUJPOQSPHSFTTFE BOEUIF $FOUSFJTDFSUBJOMZWFSZQMFBTFEUPDPOUSJCVUF to the development of the workforce in our region.” 5IFHPBMGPSUIF$&4QSPHSBNJTUPIBWF 75 new personal health workers trained BOEDFSUJàFECZ+VOFUIJTZFBSGPSXPSLXJUI seniors and people with special needs in the 1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM 4UPSNPOU%VOEBT(MFOHBSSZ regions and in Cornwall. i*UTCFFOBEJGàDVMUZFBSuTBJE,JN(SF - HBJO +PC;POFEFNQMPJFYFDVUJWFEJSFDUPS “This program came at a time when we need frontline health workers.” i5IFZBSFXPOEFSGVM UIFZBSFBNB[JOH u said Sandra Michaud, nursing coordinator at Maxwell Manor, one of the practical training TJUFGPSUIFQSPHSBNTQBSUJDJQBOUTi5IFZBSF DPNQBTTJPOBUFQFPQMFXIP SFBMMZXBOU UP XPSLXJUIPVSTFOJPST8FOFFEUIFTFFYUSB people to take care of our most vulnerable.” Ira Sharma Chhibbers de Vankleek Hill fait partie du groupe de diplômés de la première ronde d’un nouveau programme mis sur pied par le Centre de services à l’emploi de Prescott-Russell (CES) pour la formation des préposés aux services de soutien à la personne. Le nouveau programme du CES contribuera à combler le besoin croissant de personnel de santé de première ligne dans l’Est de l’Ontario. —photo fournie

Social gatherings can have deadly GSRWIȩYIRGIW

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383

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