Srila Prabhupada On Mayapur

-- S rila P rabhupada on M ayapur --

17/5/72 LOS ANGELES – JAYAPATÄKÄ MAHÄRÄJA Yes, we shall personally supervise everything there at Mäyäpur, in- stead of giving everything to contractor. The engineer may simply see that things are being done properly and we shall see that the labor is working properly. Purchase first-class building materials, then there will be first-class building. 28/6/72 LOS ANGELES – TAMÄL KÅÑËA GOSWAMI I consider this Mäyäpur Project to be our most important work practi- cally, so when I do not get any information I can naturally assume the worst. 18/2/76 MÄYÄPUR – A TRANSCENDENTAL DIARY VOL. 1 A striking analogy was given in the Çrémad Bhägavatam verse this morning explaining the relationship between Kåñëa and His devotee. If a face is nicely decorated, so its reflection in a mirror will also be. Prabhupäda explained that if Kåñëa is satisfied, the devotee, as His reflection or reliant part and parcel, is also automatically satisfied. Since Kåñëa is complete in Himself, whatever service we do to please Him is actually for our own benefit.


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