The Physical Security Workshop is an in-person event hosted by ReliabilityFirst in Cleveland, OH. In the classroom session, participants will learn about physical security concepts and technologies, Design Basis Threat, threat and vulnerability assessments, CIP-006, CIP-014, and other topics. The lab session of the training focuses entirely on practical application of VISA, and will include a site visit (i.e., substation walk down). Attendance for this workshop will be limited to 35 participants. The substation walk down, which is part of the lab, requires personal protective equipment. Please wear closed-toed shoes and bring a hard hat and safety glasses.
Slide 1: Physical Security & VISA Applications Workshop | 1 |
Slide 2 | 2 |
Slide 3: Agenda | 3 |
Slide 4: Agenda | 4 |
Slide 5: Agenda | 5 |
Slide 6: Useful Links | 6 |
Slide 7: Questions for SERC | 7 |
Slide 8: Speaker Biographies | 8 |
Slide 9: Speaker Biographies | 9 |
Slide 10: Thank You | 10 |
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