summary year in review

BBEY LENS December 2017 Vol 4: Issue No.twenty one Excellence Through Partnership


Carmageddon! PCSO ‘ello ‘ello.

SAFER PARKING We all strive to set a positive example to our children. Your child and others are being put at risk of being seriously injured or killed by drivers who park or drop off on our yellow zig-zag markings. This includes the double yellow lines with a stripe on the pavement. Both mean that you cannot stop or park in these areas. Drivers who park or stop in the centre of the road also pose a danger to our children. Children and other pedestrians need to be able to see clearly in both directions, to cross the road safely, and drivers need to see them. Our Abbey Junior PCSOs witnessed a few cars and taxis that were parking inconsiderately. We ask that drivers think about child safety before someone is seriously injured or killed. We have over 600 children who attend our school and there are only a small minority of parents who compromise the safety of our children. We are asking some parents to re-consider their parking habits and help our children stay safe. Here are the partial number registration plates of inconsiderate drivers noted by our PCSO’s. MT5U; YJ6U; ND08; BJ62; HT06; YC08; VN17; BD67; FP12 - also speeding (this is a 20 mile an hour zone) MK60; BJ62;PO11; MK60 [Ed- the number plates have been partially changed, to protect the guilty] Thanks to Mrs Flanagan for the story. ST HILDA’S FESTIVAL Year 3 lit up St Hilda’s when we visited the church to perform. We sang songs, created our very own light poem and spoke very clearly in front our mums and dads. One of the highlights was finding and performing our own funny jokes. Maisie P said the best joke was - Q. What do you get when you see a dinosaur eating fireworks? A. A dino-mite! Rory D really enjoyed when the boys and girls said who was the light of their life and he really liked Seth’s answer. Ruby really enjoyed the jokes too and her favourite was - Q. What did the traffic light say to the car? A. Don’t look, I’m changing! Everyone really enjoyed the afternoon, including singing the songs during our walk as a dress rehearsal. Thanks to Rory, Maisie and Ruby for the story in 3V.

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