summary year in review

BBEY LENS April 2018 Vol 4: Issue No.Forty six Excellence Through Partnership


Clean it up! Public service

SPRING CLEAN Max (3B) and Alex (1D) went for a litter picking at the Thimblemill brook as part of #bigspringclean event Thanks to Max & Alex’s Mom for the story. EASTER EXTRAVAGANZA THANKS We (and most importantly, the kids) had a great time despite the rainy weather and having to be squashed indoors. The egg decorating competition was epic. The winners were: Juniors Infants 1st Zedan 1st May 2nd Lucan 2nd William 3rd Eisa 3rd Diyan We managed to raise over £330, which will be spent on things that make the Abbey school experience a more fun place to be. I hope your child talks about the new things that have been turning up on the playground and in their classroom – if not, ask them! The Friends of Abbey think that supporting our children in school is important and fun, but we can’t do it all on our own. So thank you for your help; whether you commit to running a stall, donate prizes or just turn up and spend a bit of money. We totally appreciate all you do and I know the children enjoy the results of our fundraising. Thanks to Mrs. Atkins for the story. [Ed - From all of the staff, a big thank you to everyone in Friends of Abbey who work so hard for our school. It is very much appreciated.]

[Ed - William in Y1 is in detention until 2023 (end of Y6) #that’swhatyougetformessingwithme]

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