with his evangelist father, R. L. Erickson. Later he became a pioneer evangelist, building and establishing churches through the midwest and eastern states. In 1933 he became pastor of the well-known Chicago Gospel Tabernacle. In 1954 he re tired from the church to enlarge the radio ministry. “ The Heaven and Home Hour” is presently heard na tionwide daily. The Rev. Everett F. Swanson, founder and executive director of Compas sion, Inc., largest orphanage work in Korea, died November 15 in Chicago after undergoing brain surgery at the Mayo Clinic in July. This indepen dent faith work, organized in 1952, today ma i n t a i ns 170 orphanage homes. Dr. Swanson resigned the pastorate of a Chicago church to embark on a worldwide evangelistic tour, and it was while preaching to the servicemen in Korea that he was awakened to the desperate need of thousands of homeless boys a n d girls. Dr. Roy B. Zuck, Executive Director of Scripture Press Foundation, an nounced that 182 laymen and pastors took the Ev an g e l i c a l Te a c h e r Training Association courses and other courses on Christian education held this fall at Biola College, La Mirada, California. T h e six-week Leadership Training Institute con sisted of six courses held simultan eously for six Monday nights at the college. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, has announced the second “Winter Week of Missions” confer ence to be held this month in Miami Beach, Florida. Host for the event will be Dr. Ralph Mitchell, president of the Biltmore Terrace Hotel. “ This is a unique opportunity for missions- minded people to enjoy a delightful vacation in a lovely setting, and also to make their vacation count for Christ.” Dr. Vernon Mortenson, general direc tor of The Evangelical Alliance Mis sion, reported that ninety evangelical leaders from around the world are presently involved in the prepara tions for th e Cong r e s s on the Church’s Worldwide Mission to be held next April on the Wheaton Col lege campus. Coordinator Vergil Gerber said, “ The Congress falls squarely in the context of a turning point in mission history. It has the potential of becoming God’s mouthpiece for this critical hour and of eventuating in a Congress of Proclamation which will significantly speak for evangeli cals around the world.” The main drive of the Congress will be an in- depth study of vital questions con fronting Christian missions today.
Once she wa> somebody’» little girl. . . N ow she's just a Lonely Orphan
pleading for a Sponsor!
As with thousands of other children in this tormented part of the world, she knows the deep tragedy of being a castaway. She’s found refuge in one of our orphanages in Korea, but she sorely needs the assurance of a sponsor . . . one who will personally be for her a “Mommy,” “Daddy,” “Big Brother” or “Big Sister.” That’s why she looks so sad! YOU CAN CHANGE ALL TH AT .. . and bring a smile to her face by becoming her sponsor. And we have hundreds more, just like her, who are without sponsors. It costs only $10 a month—just 33 cents a day—to provide food, shelter, clothing and medical care. But knowing that they have someone like you, who really cares, makes all the difference in the world. You’ll be furnished with a photograph of your orphan, personal history, history of the Home, and the exchange of letters will make this relationship real and truly rewarding. We’ll provide the Home, staffed by Bible-believing Koreans, and a wholesome atmosphere for your orphan. Choose one of these pictured here. They’re all so precious. Don’t delay. Do it right n o w . Use the handy coupon below.
Chul Ho (T-l) Age 6
Un Hul (T-2) Ago 5
Chul Kun (T-3) Ago 7
Suk Doo (T-5) Age 12
Kyung Ja (T-6) Age 9
Ok Reh (T-4) Age 13
Ki Slk (T-7) Age 10
Kil Ja (T-8) Age 6
Dong Bok (T-9) Age 10
Est. 1952 ommsm:
Dr. Everett F. Swanson, Founder G Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is ___________________ _ If already chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy □ Girl Age. With God's help, I will send $10 a month to COMPASSION. I understand that I may dis continue any time. Please send child’s picture and FULL PARTICULARS. Enclosed is support for G first month, O one year. □ Please select a child for me and send par ticulars at once. □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $______ - All gifts are most welcome . . . income tax deductible.
Interdenominational, Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K16 7774 Irving Pk. Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Ph. 456-6116 Compassion of Canada, Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario
□ Please send folder Korean Orphan."
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