Dynamic Rehab. Neck Pain & Stress

Celebrate Heart Health Month!

you better manage your disease. For more information on our successful treatment programs, call us today!

Tips for Better Heart Health 1. Get 7 Hours Of Sleep. Young and middle-age adults who sleep 7 hours a night have less calcium in their arteries (an early sign of heart disease) than those who sleep 5 hours or less or those who sleep 9 hours or more. 2. Check Your Blood Pressure. Get your blood pressure checked every 3-5 years if you’re 18-39. If you’re 40 or older, or if you have high blood pressure, check it every year. 3. Exercise 30 Minutes A Day. To keep it simple, you can aim for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of moderate exercise. 4. Limit Saturated Fats. Cut down on saturated fats to maintain artery health. Avoid Choose leaner cuts and reduced-fat options. 5. Find out if you have diabetes. Millions of people don’t know that they have this condition. That’s risky because over time, high blood sugar damages arteries and makes heart disease more likely.

Physical Therapy is Good for The Heart! Areyouashealthyasyoushouldbe?Formostpeoplewithchronicailments such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and pain, walking and exercising can be difficult enough. With inactivity, these chronic diseases lead to a downward spiral of worsening health and the need for more aggressive medication management. Numerousstudiesdemonstratethepowerofactivity inreducingamultitude of symptoms and improving long-term health. Not only does this improve your response to treatment but also reduces the need for medications. Physical therapy can help you lead a more active and healthy lifestyle by improving joint mobility, strength, and cardiovascular endurance, helping

Ifyou’resuffering fromneckpain,callDynamicRehab at (973) 910-0307 to see what physical therapy can do for you!

Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

Patient Success Spotlight

“Results beyond my expectations!” “Wow! Results beyond all expectations! My condition is widespread, chronic neck and back pain, degenerative and extremely painful. Until I met Dr. Anatoli and his skilled caring team, I had never heard of the dry needling and deep tissue massage technique that has been so effective in relieving much of my distress. For the first time in many years, with continued maintenance, I now have hope of returning to a somewhat more normal life. Thank you Dynamic Rehab PT!” - Rhonda R.

Cervical Retraction Stand with your back against a wall. Position a rolled up towel behind your neck. Tuck chin like you are nodding ‘yes’. Draw your chin closer to the back of your throat. Repeat 3 times.


Call Dynamic Rehab at 973.910.0307 today if you are experiencing hip, leg, or knee pain.

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