
Why we are taking action

Every year, 100 million hectares of rich, productive land are degraded . (source UN Goal 15) We aim to promote resilience, knowledge and action in the face of climate change. In 2024, we will achieve this by supporting projects that protect biodiversity, provide access to renewable energy, improve soil quality, plant sustainable crops and support agricultural and ecological practices.

Today, 1 in 4 young people in the world are not in training, education or employment (Source UN SDG report). Access to quality education is key to achieving our sustainable development goals. Alongside our nonprofit partners, we want to help strengthen academic, social and digital skills, and provide a better understanding of the working environment to promote inclusion.

Strategic annual goals for 2024 1. Number of educational training hours:

30,000 15,000

2. 3. 4.

Number of direct beneficiaries: Number of countries supported: Number of nonprofit projects a minimum of 10 on climate resilience)


35 (including

© Save the children SA


Number of trees planted:



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