Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia



Predstavljamo vam novi set iz ABP kolekcije, kreiran za najmirnije snove

Introducing our latest set from the ABP collection, created for the most restful sleep LAVENDER WHISPER - NIGHT SET isn’t only a journey into the world of dreams, but also a journey within oneself, reve- aling the harmony and tranquillity that reside in the depths of our being. Enriched with the essence of organic laven- der, the set contains a sleep mask and a mini version of our legendary pillow spray. Immerse yourselves in ABP and allow each night to be a story told, every dream to become a journey, and each mor- ning to transform into a new beginning. Dream with a whis- per of lavender and wake up with a smile, ready to transform your dreams into the morning dew of reality. Organic lavender, grown in Serbia’s fertile fields, then further transformed into the essence of purity and luxury in Italy, forms the core of our products. This process, which is filled with love and patience, creates products that not on- ly have an irresistible aroma, but are also essential to daily body-care and soul-nurturing rituals. Let nature itself be your guide through sleep, through pure, unrefined essential oils that fill your space with calming aromatic notes. Nourish your skin, relax your mind, and clear the way to deep emotional and spiritual harmony. With ABP, every component is selected with great care and love, res- pecting the high quality that you deserve. Visit www.abotanicalphilosophy.com to discover our guiding philosophy, the love with which we create, and the rigorous processes through which we ensure that you rece- ive only the finest products. Let the whisper of lavender put you to sleep every night. ABP products are available at DuFry outlets.

NOĆNI SET – ŠAPAT LAVANDE nije samo putovanje u svet snova već i putovanje unutar sebe, otkrivanje mi- ra i tišine koji se čuvaju u dubinama naših bića. Ople- menjen esencijom organske lavande, sadrži masku za spavanje i mini-verziju legendarnog spreja za jastuk. Prepustite se ABP-u i dozvolite da svaka noć bude ispričana priča, svaki san postane putovanje, a svako jutro preraste u nov početak. Sanjajte uz šapat lavande i budite se sa osmehom, spremni da svoje snove pre- tvorite u jutarnju rosu realnosti. Srž naših proizvoda je organska lavanda, uzgaja- na na plodnim poljima Srbije, dalje pretočena u esen- ciju čistote i luksuza u Italiji. Ovaj proces, pun ljubavi i strpljenja, stvara proizvode koji su ne samo neodolji- vi na miris već i neophodni u svakodnevnim ritualima nege duše i tela. Dopustite da vaš vodič kroz san bude priroda sama, kroz čista, nerafinisana esencijalna ulja koja ispunjava- ju vašu prostor umirujućim melodijama mirisa. Hrani- te svoju kožu, opustite um i otvorite vrata ka dubokom emocionalnom i duhovnom skladu. Sa ABP, svaka kom- ponenta je birana sa neizmernom pažnjom i ljubavlju, odajući poštovanje visokom kvalitetu koji zaslužujete. Posetite www.abotanicalphilosophy.com i otkrij- te filozofiju koja nas vodi, ljubav s kojom stvaramo i stro- ge procese kroz koje osiguravamo da u vaše ruke sti- gnu samo dragocenosti najfinije izrade. Neka vas svake večeri uspava šapat lavande. ABP proizvodi su dostupni u DuFry-ju.

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