4.MaintainingaNutritiousDiet andControllingPortions. Make sure your food intake is nutritious and portioned. By chewing your food thoroughly, you won’t feel as if you have to eat as much. 5. Drinking More Water. Water keeps your body systems functioning at an optimum level. 6. Breathing! Work on your deep breathing in order to increase your oxygen intake and get your lymphatic systemmoving. 7. Getting Enough Sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is best to get into a routine where you are going to bed and waking up on a regular cycle. This helps your endocrine system. Contact Orthosports Physical Therapy Today! Are you looking for assistance with increasing your health, strength, and physical activity? Our team at Orthosports Physical Therapy would love to help you live your highest quality of life. Give us a call today at our Amherst (716-839-3705) or Clarence (716-634-1578) locations.
Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this exercise to strengthen your shoulder muscles.
ARM FLY Lay flat on your stomach with your arms at your side. Lift your chest and your arms off the floor then slowly move your arms to a “T.” Repeat 10 times.
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