

Similarly, Recruiting and Incentivising Volunteers needs to be easy and enjoyable. A volunteer’s journey should be easy, with minimal Sludge . Therefore, remove unnecessary friction , such as paperwork, and keep waiting times between expressing interest and actively volunteering to a minimum. Knowing where Sludge is in the system can help improve activities and help in Reframing the community engagement and physical activity offer.

Sludge audits

Sludge audits are helpful tools for identifying and minimising Sludge when developing community activities, such as a local wellbeing class or schemes such as Microgrants. Sludge audits can be approached in different ways, from formal surveys to informal conversations. Whichever method is used, they must include user feedback. When analysing sludge audits carefully consider the detail as often it is the small and seemingly trivial things that cause friction . The Gameplan Sludge Audit Template provides a helpful guide to get started.



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