

SPICED, SMART, and Storied Social Impact Indicators and Evaluation Plan

Developing a monitoring and evaluation plan starts during the Collaboration Kick-Off , with identifying the social impact objectives - the ‘why’ that underpins the event. Once the ‘why’ is agreed, a systematic and quantifiable approach is needed to measure progress towards the objectives. This approach also ensures that baseline data will be collected, a valuable asset for informing the sustainable development of event portfolios and social impact interventions. A helpful way to do this is to use indicator measures . Examples of indicators include counting how many volunteers helped at an event; or recording resident sense of local pride. Indicator measures should be appropriate, manageable, and focused on community benefits. It is also beneficial to combine Social Impact Monitoring Tools such as indicator measures and event stories with other evaluation requirements such as economic and environmental impact for a consistent approach. The Gameplan Social Impact Monitoring Tool Template provides further information on how to develop and use indicator measures . Strengthen collaboration by using SPICED and SMART approaches Combining SPICED and SMART approaches when developing and reviewing objectives and indicator measures helps ensure that they are relevant and achievable. The SPICED framework is particularly useful for ensuring that objectives and indicator measures are developed collaboratively, to increase engagement and ownership.

Collaborate and develop a monitoring and evaluation plan to understand social impacts.


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