

Earmark People for Social Impact Funding

Positive social impact does not happen just because a big event comes to town. Like every aspect of event delivery, social impact needs careful planning, investment and leadership. This starts at the Collaboration Kick-Off with a detailed event proposal . Social impact action starts before and lasts beyond the event Social impact actions require careful planning as they rely on extended community engagement before, during and after the event. By establishing defined objectives, responsibilities, resources, and communication channels at the proposal stage, a clear structure can be developed to guide and monitor social impact activities throughout the event cycle. Social impact investment is no different from economic impact investment Investment and action generate impact. This is true for both economic and social benefits. Funding for new tourism attractions or activities is often part of an event proposal to encourage visitor spending. Investment in social impact is no different. Funding is needed for things like community engagement events, sports programmes and incentives such as Microgrants . This type of investment builds relationships with communities and adds value; making events better. How Sow the seeds of social impact in the proposal Event Decentring creates space to think about big events differently and identify the event’s social impact ‘why’. From this, social

Allocate responsibilities and include a social impact budget in the event proposal.


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