

Recruiting and Incentivising Volunteers

Volunteers are one of the community’s biggest assets. All events, regardless of type and size, rely on volunteers. Good volunteer management should be considered from two perspectives: the volunteer’s and the event organiser’s.

Co-create and invest in opportunities to engage and empower event volunteering.

Understand the mutual benefits

The benefits of volunteering should work for both parties. The roles volunteers undertake should help the event meet both its immediate and longer-term goals, as well as being of benefit to the volunteer.

Think about the volunteer experience

Have you ever been a volunteer yourself? What would a great volunteering experience feel like? Some factors influencing experience might be: • How well suited the volunteer feels to the role they are being tasked with undertaking. • Whether they feel they belong in that environment. • Having a regular named contact who they can go to for support. • Whether there are opportunities to train and develop in the role. • The flexibility of the role to work around other commitments. These factors are well understood to be at the heart of positive volunteering experiences. This also means that these factors should be at the heart of good volunteer management.

How Framing the offer

“Why should I volunteer for you?” All volunteers need to know what they are


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