

Fans, Friends and Taster Zones

A common objective for big sporting events is to encourage people to be more physically active. This is founded on a popular assumption that people will be inspired to be more physically active having watched a big event. It is true that the Social Buzz of watching a big event will encourage some to try a new activity and make a positive lifestyle change. However, for most, Social Buzz is about passive participation, social interaction and food and drink. Evidence from the Tour de Yorkshire in Doncaster revealed that only a minority of local people were tempted to ‘dust off the bike from the shed’ after watching the event. Most were there for spectacle. The race alone was not, and rarely is, enough.

Provide inclusive opportunities for involvement in big events and physical activities.

Think engagers not spectators

Instead of thinking of people who attend the event as spectators, they can instead be thought of as engagers , with unrealised interests in sport and physical activity. Unlock these interests and generate Social Buzz before the event by using the technology that now features in events, such as big screens. Further harness positive experiences by signposting planned follow-on activities, such as those provided by schools, local sports clubs or health providers. These activities will further support social afterglow and re- engagement.

How Leverage social proof

Social proof refers to things that validate our behaviour based on what others are doing. It is a powerful force governing our behaviour, even though we hardly notice it. Events can be enhanced when engagers see influential people taking part. This provides the social


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