engage with. Be sure to offer variety and Keep it Local by utilising places of worship, schools, public buildings, businesses and local media channels to get the message out.
• Selling place-based event merchandise. • Community hosting and fan zones in prominent local spaces and venues. To spark further interest, Co-create Physical Activity Opportunities which can be implemented on the day. Support local event organisers to use the event as a sparkler to promote information about other existing and future activities happening in the community. This might include utilising stalls at local events, promoting local social media sites or the development of a mobile app as appropriate.
Emphasise the social
Events are social occasions. Creating Social Buzz by keeping attendees interested and involved leading up to the event increases the number of attendees. Event promotion in the lead up to the event should also emphasise the social through content, such as articles, blogs, infographics and videos. Co-create content that positions the event as a community event. Show the audience what a great time they could have if they attended and emphasise what they will miss out on if they don’t. Engaging attendees before the event also encourages desired behaviours like sharing the event on social media. Never underestimate the power of word of mouth. Further utilise Community Explorers and community influencers for getting the message out.
The after-party
The after-party helps maintain Social Buzz and supports social afterglow . A successful way of doing this is to remind attendees of the great time they had during the event by posting images, videos and testimonials via local media channels, and asking attendees for their event stories . Further follow up work should: provide Proper Thank Yous to attendees and volunteers alike; ask for feedback and their event stories ; suggest additional resources or events; and provide next steps for the Collaboration Kick-On .
Local, local, local
Events provide opportunities to celebrate all things local. The most successful events are those which Keep it Local by building positive relationships with, and involving, local people, businesses, schools and other stakeholders. People take pride in their local area being associated with big events. Support this by, for example, using local businesses, and promoting local products and services at the event. This might include: • Campaigns promoting local food and drink. • Map of local visitor attractions of cultural interest near the event venue or route. • Establishing sustainable supply chain management and targeting local suppliers.
Let’s do it again!
Keep momentum going by passing on the event baton. Each event is an opportunity to handover to the next. Positive social impact is more likely when big event projects are aligned with broader local and community strategies. Optimise the impact of the event by, among other things, undertaking a Social Impact Handover , hosting a Collaboration Kick- On meeting, retaining volunteers for future projects and supporting existing community initiatives. Make continued engagement easy by producing an event calendar, sharing widely, and providing opportunities for people to sign up for notifications and contribute to future events.
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