

Get tidy and generate Social Buzz

the community is better prepared for future events and less reliant on external suppliers.

Litter picking is one of the most widespread activities undertaken in support of big events. Not only does it help get the local area ready to welcome the event and tourists, communal litter picking has social and health benefits. Tidying-up together gets people moving and socialising, and helps generate Social Buzz . Combining a community tidy-up with decorating or flower planting in the local area provides more opportunities to get people engaged. To help get people involved, community groups should be contacted, and equipment provided to ensure it can be done safely and easily.

Reuse resources to boost social afterglow

Big events involve community groups that can benefit from left-over resources. With a little thought given to sustainable resource use, investments can be made to support these groups after the event, boosting social afterglow. For example, buying a gazebo through a Microgrant provides a resource that will be used both for the big event and for community events afterwards. Other examples include repurposing bunting and flower displays for use at local sports grounds. There is no reason why a local area only has to look good for a big event.

Hire out to reduce cost and waste

Keep it Local by hiring out resources, such as schools, sports grounds and other venues, helps reduce both cost and waste, making events more sustainable. Hiring out resources also minimises set-up time, reducing the burden on staff and volunteers . Establishing sustainable supply chain management by using local suppliers and resources builds local event assets, engages local businesses and retains money and skills in the local economy. This way

Manage resources and have a clean-up plan

Make green actions easy. For example, recycling points should be visible and clearly signed for attendees. Having a plan for event resource management and after-event clean-up ensures that a big event leaves a good impression. This is essential for building long-term community support for a wider event portfolio .



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