

Proper Thank Yous

Successful big events are powered by community engagement. Proper Thank Yous fully acknowledge individual and group contributions, helping to maintain long-term support to address social inequalities. It is also important that gratitude is shown throughout the Gameplan cycle. Saying thank you as often as you can goes a long way! In fact, arguably the biggest thank you of all is letting people know they have made a difference.

Create a gratitude plan to thank local people for their engagement.

Turn Social Buzz into social afterglow

Like the Olympic flame which never goes out, Proper Thank Yous help turn Social Buzz into social afterglow . They encourage further positive community interactions where the event baton can be passed to the next event or local opportunity. This nurtures goodwill for future engagement and improves event outcomes for subsequent events.

Develop a gratitude plan

Gratitude planning goes beyond thanking people for their time and involvement. Event delivery relies heavily on multiple informal and voluntary contributions. Therefore, Proper Thank Yous should encompass both individual and collective contributions. Gratitude plans also help monitor and mitigate event fatigue - something which can occur if communities are expected to contribute repeatedly but their contributions are undervalued.

How Thank in person

A volunteer’s greatest offering is their willingness to give their time, energy and commitment. For some, it may be the first time they have engaged in a big event so it


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