

is important that they feel valued through Proper Thank Yous delivered with a personal touch . Of course, not everyone will want their contribution recognised in the same way - some may not want attention drawn to them at all. Remember, peoples’ motivations for involvement vary, and this will affect how you thank them.

Whilst a traditional plaque or sculpture to mark the event may be appropriate, a dynamic memento such as a thank you event or travelling photo exhibition creates further opportunities for interaction. Other thoughtful mementos include thank you letters for Microgrant recipients, nominating individuals for community awards, and awarding certificates to volunteers.

Thank in public

Thank in opportunities

Public expressions of gratitude are important for thanking the whole community and maintaining support for event programmes. Public Thank Yous can take many forms, including messages displayed on outdoor banners, blackboards or display screens in public buildings. Alternatively, Thank Yous can be made during television interviews or via websites or social media. Thank Yous in local newspapers may also be important to reach people who do not have internet access. Remember to tailor to the community, for example, by saying thank you in different languages or sign language.

Gratitude can also be expressed through opportunities. For example, running a ‘best dressed window’ competition with prizes for local businesses supports engagement and helps decorate the local community for a big event. Other opportunities include prizes for school pupils who go the extra mile to help their community during an event. Development or training opportunities for volunteers or community influencers are also valuable Proper Thank Yous . Similarly, consider inviting individuals to participate in future working groups and organising committees to support future events.

Thank in mementos

Presenting a memento to an individual or community is a lasting token of appreciation.



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