

Medium to Long-Term Monitoring and Evaluation

Event Decentring reframes big events so that social impacts are sustained beyond the event. Maintaining the social afterglow makes sense, as communities are permanent , and events are temporary . Medium to Long-term Monitoring and Evaluation is needed to support, understand and evaluate social afterglow. For annual events and event portfolios , maintaining social afterglow is also important for building Social Buzz in the lead-up to the next event. This involves sustained collaboration to build lasting support. When successful, events become part of the community’s identity. Medium to Long-term Monitoring and Evaluation are also important tools for ensuring that future event strategies and funding bids are grounded in robust data that reflects community needs.

Monitor social impacts after the event to understand long- term event benefits.

Evaluate and build on the foundations

Lasting social impact is built on maintaining interventions such as Physical Activity Hubs , alongside continued support of individuals like Community Explorers and volunteers . Once one decentred event has been delivered and evaluated using the Gameplan Social Impact Monitoring Tool Template , subsequent events can benefit from the established connections and resources. This makes future Event Decentring much easier.

Handover and monitor the social afterglow

Medium to Long-term Monitoring and Evaluation works in conjunction with the Social Impact Handover and Collaboration Kick-On tactics to ensure that community engagement does not stop when the event ends. This involves monitoring the Gameplan Social Impact Handover Plan to understand the social afterglow benefits and improve future events.


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