Surviving Injury

uncommon for parents to feel extremely guilty for what has happened. Feelings of guilt, sadness, anger, and rage are all to be expected. However, if parents harbor inappropriate feeling of guilt, they may inadvertently encourage helplessness and dependence in their child. When a child experiences a traumatic event, he or she is likely to regress or exhibit other undesired behaviors. When parents establish limits while offering love and support, the child victim and survivor is empowered to thrive, in spite of periodic setbacks.

Children who have injuries experience feelings of grief. Some kids show signs of difficulty coping, while others seem to take their injuries in stride. Children rely on their parents to model adaptive coping behavior that will carry them through their treatments and subsequent healing. The key seems to be the unconditional acceptance of family and friends in the wake of something that is life changing.

Like adults, children who have injuries experience feelings of grief.

Children of different ages have different concerns. Younger children take their cues from their parents. Older children and teens are heavily influenced by input from their peers. Teens, in particular, struggle with self-esteem and body image under the most normal of circumstances. Helping kids with injuries identify things that are special about them may help to rebuild and strengthen their self-concepts. Creating an environment of normalcy is important so that the child/teen victim and survivor will not feel so different from his or her peers.

Going back to school can be a source of fear and anxiety for a child who has been injured. It may be helpful to reintroduce them to their peers by asking a few close friends for a visit before returning to school. As teens rely so much upon their peers, teen victims and survivors may benefit from support groups with other teens.

Teens rely on their peers for influence and support.

For the first months and perhaps the first couple of years following an injury, both children and parents will naturally struggle with treatments, rehabilitation, and healing. Healing is therefore an enduring and ongoing process. When parents


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