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Investing in young Canadians summer job opportunities that focus on priorities important to their local commu- nities, which could include special events such as sporting or cultural occasions.

Not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees looking to hire full-time workers for summer 2016 can now apply for funding under the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program. CSJ creates summer job opportunities and valuable work experience specifically for youth aged 15 to 30 intending to return to their studies in the next school year.The pro- gram’s aim is also to help employers create

“I encourage Glengarry-Prescott-Rus- sell’s not-for-profit organizations and small businesses to apply for funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program so that we can help our students gain the skills and experience they need to be successful, while earning money for the upcoming school

year,” said MP Francis Drouin. In Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, the prio- rities focus on small enterprises but all eli- gible applicants are encouraged to apply. It is hoped that a number of employers will come forward with applications which will also complement a number of national prio- rities, including support for small businesses working to become more innovative, com- petitive and successful, in recognition of their key contribution to the creation of new jobs, and cultural and creative industries looking to create jobs and to strengthen our rich Canadian identity. This latter priority will support the planning of Canada’s 150 th anniversary of Confederation in 2017.

“The application period runs from Janua- ry 4 to February 26,” said MaryAnn Mihy- chuk, minister of employment. “Applicants approved for funding will be able to hire students as early as May 2016. The Govern- ment of Canada has an obligation to support young Canadians who are going to school and to help local communities benefit from their talents. “This is a terrific opportunity of which employers should take advantage of. By investing in young Canadians together, we are helping thembuild a stronger future and obtain the skills and experience they need to contribute to our collective economic growth.”

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L’HGH est un hôpital communautaire bilingue, à vocaƟon régionale, axé sur le paƟent et sa famille. Notre équipe de plus de 100 médecins et 600 employés est dévouée à l’excellence en soins de santé et mise sur le travail d’équipe, l’innovaƟon et le leadership. L’HGH deviendra un centre hospitalier régional à service complet d’ici 2018 et oīrira plus de services spécialisés, plus près du domicile. RECRUTEMENT—CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION Représentez votre communauté en siégeant au conseil d’administraƟon de l’Hôpital Général de Hawkesbury & District (HGH)  Leconseild’administraƟondel’HGHestuneenƟtéforméede17membres,dont12membresnomméset 5membresd’oĸce.AĮndecomblerdespostesàvenir,noussommesàlarecherchedecandidatsqui:  x désirents’impliqueràtitredereprésentantsdelacommunautédesservieparl’HGH; x possèdentunecompréhensiondesbesoinsensantédesrésidentsdePrescottetRussell; x démontrentunengagementcommunautairesoutenu; x ontacquisdel’expérienceengouvernanceauseind’autresconseils.  Lesmembresduconseild’administraƟondel’HGHdoiventêtrerésidentsdesComtésunisdePrescoƩet Russell, du canton de Glengarry Nord ou demeurer dans la grande région de Champlain tel que déĮni danslaLoide2006surl’intégraƟondusystèmedesantélocal.  Sivous rencontrezlescritèresdesélecƟonénumérésciͲhautetqu’unpostedebénévoleauseind’un conseil d’administraƟon engagé à bien représenter sa communauté vous intéresse, veuillez nous faire parvenirvotrecurriculumvitaeà: Jo-anne Laviolette Présidente,ComitédescandidaturesetdelaformaƟon HôpitalGénéraldeHawkesbury&District 1111,rueGhislain,Hawkesbury,(Ont.)K6A3G5  VousêtesinvitésàsoumeƩrevotrecandidature avant 16 h le 5 février 2016. PourtoutequesƟon,vous pouvezcommuniqueravecJoͲanneLavioleƩeau613298Ͳ  Avant de m’engager à Ɵtre de membre du CA de l’HGH, je connaissais très peu du milieu de la santé. Aujourd’hui, après trois années au conseil de l’HGH, je réalise toute la contribuƟon qu’une personne peut apporter à l’amélioraƟon des services de santé de la région en siégeant au conseil d’administraƟon de l’HGH. JoͲanne LavioleƩe, résidente du village de Casselman Membre du CA—novembre 2012 à ce jour LeComitédescandidaturesetdelaformaƟonestàlarecherche depersonnespoursiégerauconseild’administraƟondel’HGH. 

HGH is a family and paƟentͲcentred bilingual community hospital with a regional focus. Our team of more than 100 physicians and 600 employees is commiƩed to excellence in healthcare and relies on teamwork, innovaƟon and leadership. HGH will become a fullͲservice regional hospital by 2018 and provide more specialty services, closer to home. RECRUITMENT—BOARD OF DIRECTORS Represent your community as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hawkesbury & District General Hospital (HGH)  TheNominaƟngandEducaƟonCommiƩee isseekingmemberstoserveontheHGHBoardofDirectors.  TheHGHBoardofDirectorsisanenƟtycomprisedof17members,namely12appointedmembersand5 exoĸciomembers.TheBoardisseekingcandidatestoĮllvacantposiƟons.Thesuccessfulcandidates:  x wanttobeinvolvedinrepresenƟngtheinterestsofthecommunityservedbyHGH; x understandthehealthcareneedsoftheresidentsofPrescoƩandRussell; x demonstrateongoingcommunityengagement; x havegovernanceexperienceonotherboards;  HGHBoardmembersmustresideintheUnitedCounƟesofPrescoƩandRussell,theTownshipofNorth GlengarryorresideinthebroaderChamplainregionasdeĮnedbytheLocalHealthSystemIntegraƟon Act,2006.  If you meet the above criteria and you are interested in a volunteer posiƟon on a dynamic Board of DirectorscommiƩedtorepresentitscommunity,pleaseforwardyourcurriculumvitaeto:  Jo-anne Laviolette Chair,NominaƟngandEducaƟonCommiƩee Hawkesbury&DistrictGeneralHospital 1111GhislainStreet,Hawkesbury,ONK6A3G5  YourcandidacymustbesubmiƩed before 4:00 p.m. on February 5 th , 2016. ForquesƟons,pleasecontactJoͲanneLavioleƩeat613298Ͳ  Prior to becoming a member of the HGH Board of Directors, I knew very liƩle of the health system. Today, aŌer three years on the HGH Board, I realize the many contribuƟons that a person can make to improve health services in the region by serving on the HGH Board. JoͲanne LavioleƩe, Resident of the Village of Casselman Member of the HGH Board of Directors—November 2012 to date

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