

La restauration de la gare de nouveau sur les rails

Photos Richard Mahoney

L’idée de restaurer l’ancienne gare de Calumet est à nouveau sur les rails. L’ancien conseil de Grenville-sur-la-Rouge a rejeté des suggestions afin de trouver une nouvelle vocation pour la structure de bois qui a été construite en 1877 et abandonnée en 1970. Par contre, le nouveau conseil veut rouvrir le dossier. «Nous allons voir ce que nous pouvons faire pour la sauver», a déclaré le maire John Saywell lors d’une assemblée récente. M. Saywell a toujours insisté pour dire que la station serait un bon investisse- ment. Le bâtiment pourrait être acquis des Chemins de fer Québec-Gatineau pour la somme symbolique de 1$. Par ailleurs, l’ancien conseil s’opposait à la dépense, affir- mant qu’il y avait trop de coûts inconnus. Un nouveau toit serait nécessaire, l’édifice aurait à être déplacé, et le problème de la contamination des sols aurait à être résolu.

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PLEASANT CORNER | Stricter liability insur- ance rules may ensure there are fewer vol- unteer-driven community events in Cham- plain Township. That fear was raised at a recent council meeting when members learned that its insurance company wanted the municipal- ity to force event participants to purchase liability insurance. “There will be no more events in town,” said Vankleek Hill Councillor Paul Emile Duval. The Frank Cowan Company, which insures the township, suggests that vendors at street festivals, for example, be covered by individual liability policies, said Shawn Mar- tel, of the Théorêt Martel Proudfoot insur- ance company. “If there is a parade, will we have 30 floats and 30 policies? We should have an umbrel- la,” said Duval. The current township policy is to cover many activities as “community events” that fall under the township’s liability insurance. The Frank Cowan Company contends “you should not pick up the liability of others,” Martel said. Such a stance would penalize community groups, observed Mayor Gary Barton. Many who organize activities to make the town- ship a better place operate on shoestring budgets, he noted. 9.9 per cent increase “We need to have a discussion on this,” the mayor commented, referring to the new policy that calls for a 9.9 per cent increase in the township’s premium, upping the bill from about $112,000 to $123,000. “You have had an unfortunate year,”Martel said. Twomajor claims arose froma fire at the L’Orignal campground and water damage at the Champlain day care centre in Vankleek Hill. In the L’Orignal incident, a trailer was de- stroyed by flames that later damaged a mu- nicipal building. At the day care, the interior of the building was damaged when a deluge occurred while the roof was being repaired. Liability jeopardizes events RICHARD MAHONEY RICHARD.MAHONEY@EAP.ON.CA

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