PEG Magazine - Spring 2016


New Leader, New Focus for APEGA Education Foundation

The opportunity to help shape a renewed vision for the APEGA Education Foundation was one Rod Garossino couldn’t pass up. The Executive Director of the foundation has his eye on building relationships, helping the foundation boost its fundraising capacity, and growing its support of engineering and geoscience education in Alberta

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the APEGA Education Foundation (AEF) and its commitment to engineering and geoscience education in Alberta. Over the past two decades, the foundation has funded about $2 million worth of engineering and geoscience scholarships, bursaries, and outreach grants. Is that a fitting milestone for reflecting on past successes and reimagining the future? Rod Garossino, AEF’s new Executive Director, sure thinks so. With a new five-year business plan now adopted, he joins the foundation during a time of transition. The plan has changed the foundation’s focus and direction, while setting ambitious fundraising goals. “Over the past year, AEF’s board of directors has made a real commitment to take an in-depth look at what the foundation is, why it exists, what it does, and how it does it. There is a real opportunity to take the strengths and accomplishments of the foundation to this point and look ahead to what we can be in the future,” says Mr. Garossino, who started the part-time, Calgary-based position in mid-November. “To help an organization shape a vision for itself and move it towards that vision is the kind of thing that gets me quite excited. It’s just great symmetry that it’s happening in the foundation’s 20th year.” Mr. Garossino also puts his energy towards other non-profits, serving on the boards of Skate Canada and Education Matters. He’s also the Encore Fellowship Program Manager, working with Social Venture Partners Calgary to connect baby boomer professionals transitioning from

‘There is a real opportunity to take the strengths and accomplishments of the foundation to this point and look ahead to what we can be in the future.’

ROD GAROSSINO Executive Director APEGA Education Foundation

SPRING 2016 PEG | 61

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