ZG Awards Brochure & FAQ

rising stars awards deadline to nominate - March 24

The Rising Stars Award recognizes emerging profession - als whose exceptional technical capability, leadership ability, effective teaching or research, or public service has benefited the design professions, their employers, project owners, & society.

• Nominees must be 40 years of age or younger as of Dec. 31, 2022, and working in the United States for a private-sector company (or self-employed), public agency (i.e., federal, state, county, or city), military, a non-profit organization, or educational or research institution.

• Self-nominations are acceptable.

• Nominees should have a record of demonstrated exceptional ability and professional accomplish- ments related to the AEC Industry in one or more of the following capacities: management; leadership; teaching; research; and/or public service. • Any private-sector company, public-sector agency, military unit, non-profit organization, or educational or research institution may submit a maximum of four nominations per firm. To recognize a Rising Star, please complete a short registration on the Zweig Group website; nominators will then receive an invitation to complete the nomi- nation questionnaire. The Rising Stars Award is judged solely on the information submitted in the question- naire, it is imperative to be complete and succinct.

See past honorees here.


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