from small companies. This threat of losing employees causes many small-business owners to overpromise and underdeliver in their internal communications. Making promises you can’t keep to employees results in a high turnover rate, low morale, and lack of trust. RECRUITING The competitive job market has led to aggressive headhunting for top candidates. But in some cases, aggressive recruiters promise grandiose perks and unsustainable work environments. Just as with a sales client, overpromising and underdelivering is a sure way to set new employees up for failure. When you perpetuate a facade of what your company can actually provide, you open the door for disappointment and regret. The consequences become evident when employees leave or cultivate negativity within your team.
While trying to woo your next big client, it can be easy to get caught up in doing whatever it takes to close a sale. What starts as a simple pitch can quickly turn into promising the moon if you let it. Starting down this slippery slope creates unreasonable expectations and sets your relationship with your prospect up for failure. When you overpromise and underdeliver, you develop a system of dysfunction that fosters lukewarm clients you won’t retain. But lost sales won’t be the only consequence; you’ll also form a culture of dysfunction within your team. RETENTION Employee retention should be at the top of every business owner’s mind. Depending on your industry, a new hire can cost thousands — even tens of thousands — of dollars. In light of today’s strong economy and low unemployment rate, many large businesses have shifted their hiring strategies to poach talent
So how do you avoid these pitfalls? The best place to start is by bonding the actions of your company and its teams to the values that make your business successful. Another key is to have confidence in the culture of your company. Many leaders succumb to the idea of overpromising and underdelivering out of fear. If you’ve created a dynamic that breeds creativity, accomplishment, and growth, you’ll never have to make promises in the first place.
Either way, it’s critical intel.
In Episode 58 of my Speakeasy Marketing podcast, I shared some free tools that you can use to quickly figure out if your webmaster isn’t up to snuff, and I’ll tell you what you can do if Google penalized your site.
Your link should appear on the first page of Google. If not, it’s time to do a little more digging. And there are some great tools for that. I’ll tell you about those in a moment.
Head over to Google and type the following phrase into the search bar using your website name:
Follow the link below to listen: podcast/episode-58-how-to-figure- out-if-your-site-has-been-penalized- by-google
Why is this so important?
Google will then display all the results for your site. If the command returns no results, then you know Google either can’t see your site at all or you’ve been penalized.
Two reasons.
First, if Google isn’t indexing your site correctly, you’re not tapping into the most significant and most critical source of internet search traffic. Second, if someone else is managing your website for you, then you’ll know if they’re dropping the ball.
Here’s another way to find out:
Type your name (or your firm’s name) into Google and include your geographical location.
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