Internet Dangers
Dear Parents,
There are many dangers on the internet. For example, people cyberbully. Cyberbullying means someone sends a message to you that threatens you. There are also child predators. Child predators are people who try getting private information that can help them commit a crime. Kids (mostly teenagers) also can be less happy because they don’t have as many follow- ers as their friends or think they are not pretty enough. People can be mean online, which leads into my first paragraph which is about cyber- bullying. A lot of people bully on the internet because they feel it makes them more popular or because they have low self-esteem. I don’t like cyberbullying because it hurts people and sometimes when one person does something mean there is a ripple effect. Cyberbullying also connects to child predators. This is another reason why the internet is so dangerous. Child predators try kidnapping children that they stalked online. But luckily I learned a good way to create a password that is hard to get into from a magazine called Time for Kids. First you can make a fun easy sentence like I love my dad. Then take a few letters out to make it look something like this Ilomyda. Then add a few numbers instead of some letters to make it look something like this, I7om5d@. These instructions can help kids and adults use the internet in a safer way. A lot of kids (mostly teenagers) are less happy because they don’t have that many fol- lowers on social media. People feel like they aren’t pretty enough because one person, ONE, makes a nasty comment.
To sum it all up, I think parents should supervise their kids more while their kid is on the internet because of cyberbullying, child predators, and social media.
Sincerely, Sivan Isabella Meyer
Sivan Isabella Meyer, Fourth Grade
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