Hedy and Daniel Whitebook

Hedy and Daniel Whitebook Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

The Whitebook/Perez and Drucker/Berkowitz families all came to the United States in the late 1800s (Daniel’s side) and settled in New York. The Goodstein side also arrived in

New York in the late 1800s and the Gliner side (both Hedy’s maternal family) arrived after World War I. The Gottlieb and Kloda sides survived the Holocaust in Europe and then moved all over the globe. Over time both families ended up in North Miami Beach, Florida. That is where Danny and I grew up, Danny was born in Miami. We lived on the same street two houses away from each other. On the street where we lived, almost everyone was Jewish and it was very important to both of us to marry someone Jewish and to continue being Jewish. Danny went to public school, afternoon Hebrew School and a Jewish summer camp. I went to an Orthodox Day School and traveled to Israel every year to visit my family there. Neither one of us grew up in a religious home. We both had grandmothers

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