Hedy and Daniel Whitebook

who we adored and feel that these women shaped our Jewish identities. When we got married, we became involved in many Jewish organizations. We joined a synagogue, the same one that both of our families’ belonged to. We became involved in our children’s day school and in the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, where Hedy has created a legacy gift. We are also active in Kesher, the organization for which we are creating a leaving gift along with the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces

and the University of Miami. We have two children. Our daughter Jolie, is married to Harold Rivner and they have a daughter, Eva. They are living in North Miami Beach. We also have a son, Adam, who lives with us and is the main reason for this legacy gift. When Adam was two years old, he was diagnosed with

autism. We wanted for him to attend a Jewish day school in our neighborhood like his sister, but there was not a suitable one. He was sent from school to school. We were never satisfied and none of the schools were in our neighborhood. Then, when he was entering the third grade we found Kesher. This was a special education day school inside of a regular day school. Most students had learning disabilities, but there were some who had developmental disabilities. The community was backing the program and we are forever grateful. Adam attending Kesher changed our lives. I served as the school’s president for seven years. That is why we wanted to leave a

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