

Counties staff earn national award

Carole Lavigne, directrice du Développement économique et du Tourisme pour les Comtés unis de Prescott-Russell (CUPR), était toute souriante lors de la séance ordinaire du conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell du 23 novembre, alors qu’elle annonçait auxmaires que son département a remporté un prix prestigieux lors de la remise des prix EDAC Marketing Canada. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


100 % ACTIFS CONVOCATION ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE EXTRAORDINAIRE Le conseil d’administration de la corporation 100% Actifs : Activités parascolaires, organisme à but non-lucratif, vous invite à participer à une assemblée générale extraordinaire qui aura lieu : En date du : Le lundi 12 décembre 2016 Heure : 18h30 Endroit : 421 B, boul. Cartier, Hawkesbury ON - Changement aux Statuts et Règlements de la corporation; -PropositionetadoptiondesnouveauxStatutsetRèglements. 100% Actifs; Activités parascolaires Noussollicitons laparticipationdesgensdenotrecommunauté et nous vous remercions pour l’intérêt que vous porterez envers ces changements. Je vous prie d’agréer, mesdames et messieurs, l’expression de ma considération distinguée. De la présidente, Tracey Allard À L’ORDRE DU JOUR :

lopment Bank of Canada (BDC) co-sponsor the annual CanadianMarketing Awards, to recognize and promote awareness of the efforts of local government and business groups to boost their economic profile, both within their own regions and across Canada and elsewhere. This year, the EDAC Marketing Canada Awards debuted its inaugural sustainability award, to recognize and highlight “green” efforts at economic development in com- munities and regions. The UCPR econo- mic development and tourismdepartment clinched the inaugural award with its Metro Proposal document, which showcases the “local food counter” project of the Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network (EOAN). The document focus is on the Metro grocery outlet in Casselman, which is part of amajor grocery chain, and all the locally-produ- ced and grown food products provided as

choices for local and visiting shoppers to buy, along with promotion of local farm and food-production operators in general. Lavigne explained that the Metro Pro- posal developed out of the UCPR’s strategic plan for enhancing and helping develop the region’s economy. The four goals of the Metro Proposal document are: help develop the local foods market so local producers are better able to get their products and goods on local store shelves; help promote and increase local agricultural production; help increase revenue to the local agriculture sec- tor; and help producers access newmarkets. Lavigne gave full credit to her depart- ment staff for the success of the Metro Pro- posal. Working on the project were Joelle Joly, Geneviève Bougie-Desjardins, France Lortie, Olivier Berthiaume, Annie Grenier, and Louise Bissonnette.

For the staff at the counties’ economic development department, it’s like getting an early Christmas gift. Carole Lavigne, director of economic development and tourism for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR), was all smiles at the Nov. 23 regular session of counties council, as she announced to the assembledmayors of Prescott-Russell, that the department won the inaugural award for marketing sustainability from the EDAC Marketing Canada Awards gathering. “We are very happy,” Lavigne said, during a later interview. “It’s a very great acknowled- gement of our work. It says we’re doing the right thing.” The Economic Development Association of Canada (EDAC) and the Business Deve-

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