Airways Annual Report 2019

Twelve submissions were received and carefully considered before our final prices were determined. CORE BUS I NESS CUSTOMER SAT I SFACT I ON Each year Airways asks airports, airlines and aviation partners (industry associations and the GA community) to take part in customer satisfaction research. The objective is to identify opportunities for Airways to add value to our customers in the coming year. This year only 45 respondents took part in the research. We thank those who took the time to take part in either an online or telephone interview with our independent research provider. Overall satisfaction from respondents was as follows: Very satisfied 47% | Neutral 47% | Dissatisfied 7% We note the decline in satisfaction from our airline partners this year, where we have had changes to pricing and departure from our normal service standard. We are strongly resolved to improve service in the coming year. We would like to thank our customers for their active participation. F I NANC I AL PERFORMANCE This year the Airways group achieved a Net Operating Profit after Tax of $23.6 million, in line with budget (refer to NOPAT reconciliation on page 28). Airways International Ltd maintained steady growth across the commercial portfolio with a NOPAT of $8 million, a 25 per cent increase on the previous year.


Judy Kirk was farewelled as Airways’ Board Chair in December 2018. Denise Church was appointed Board Chair in January 2019, bringing a wide range of governance and management experience. Chris Moxon stepped down as a director in October 2018. Lisa Jacobs joined the board in November 2018, followed by John Holt and Paula Jackson in January 2019.

“ D R O N E S A N D A U T O N O M O U S F L Y I N G V E H I C L E S R E M A I N T H E S I N G L E B I G G E S T G A M E C H A N G E R F O R A V I A T I O N A N D A I R WA Y S S H A R E S I N A W I D E R I N D U S T R Y V I S I O N T O S A F E L Y I N T E G R A T E T H E S E A I R C R A F T I N T O T H E E X I S T I N G A I R T R A F F I C N E T W O R K . ”


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