by Tammy Phelps
Disrupt: “to drastically alter and interrupt the normal pattern” “to cause [someone/something] to be unable to continue the process”
t each Capital City REIA Meetup for nearly two years, I observed a young man who always sat in the chair nearest the exit, quietly amassing the vast real estate investing knowledge being shared. His name is Mark, and eventually, I learned his story. Mark is not unlike many who start adulthood sub- scribing to doing what our society dictates us to be: a productive member of society. Mark did exactly what he was raised to do: complete 12 years of school, attend university, and graduate with a degree. His parents were proud. He then landed a prestigious position for a large company and began his career. He contributed to a retirement ac- count and accrued yearly paid vacation. He exceeded every- one’s expectations and is accomplished by most standards. Mark married Ann and they have two kids. Mark and Ann spent demanding and exhausting hours in their respective management roles, which came with long, grinding commutes. They purchased a home following the prescribed formula for success, and so by all standards of society, they are living proof of the “American Dream.” After 15 years of this daily grind, Mark and Ann began to question their unfulfilled “American Dream.” The stark realization that they were simply technicians working overtime in the 9-5 rat race for someone else began to deteriorate their motivation. Something needed to change. They realized if they sacrificed 20-30 years of their life for Corporate America, continued to contribute to the company retirement accounts all while living their current lifestyle, they would still not have enough. Mark joked, “I call it society’s golden handcuffs.” Mark knew he needed to “disrupt” his mindset. But how? Then, during a Meetup in July 2017, I shared how to create wealth and freedom with small multi-unit acqui- sition, reposition, stabilization, and management and un- knowingly hit a nerve with Mark. I drastically altered the
axis of Mark’s world and so began the disruption of their seemingly perfect, socially correct “American Dream.” After the initial interview to see if they would be a good fit for our REIA’s “Inner Circle,” I shared that it would not be easy, but it was simple. We discussed what it meant to be coachable and open to change. We talked about how they would have to accept being com- fortable with being uncomfortable. We discussed there would be new tools, resources, and technology to learn and implement. We discussed that they had to:
NO. 1 BELIEVE in themselves! NO. 2 Have FAITH to know it’s possible! NO. 3 TRUST the process!
Today, Mark and his family are living life on their terms. The average timeframe before someone can quit their em- ployment is approximately 3-5 years. You must have cash- flow to replace not only your household income but benefits like health insurance, etc. Mark and Ann are getting close to terminating their respective management positions. They have acquired 17 units with possibly 10 additional units soon to be added to their portfolio. Their monthly cashflow is over $10,000 and they continue to build their power team. They continue to disrupt the market by profoundly impact- ing the lives of those they provide homes for, and they have realized what it means to build community! Mark decided to disrupt the status quo and is now living an extraordinary life on his terms, with purpose and intention. •
Tammy Phelps is known as "The Lady Boss of Real Estate." She is an educational speaker, coach, mentor, and founder of Capital City REIA, a Real Estate Investment Alliance in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia. The group's focus is on the personal growth and business development of
the real estate entrepreneur.
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