El Paso Police Department
Evidence and Property Office Jewelery Cases: Intake/Processed Cases Returned to Owner Gun Cases: Intake/Processed Cases Returned to Owner Money Cases: Intake/Processed Cases Returned to Owner Auction Cases: Cases Researched Items Sent to Auction Auction Dollar Amount Narcotics Cases: Cases Collected by Regions
Auxiliary 2: Volunteer – The COVID-19 pandemic had the volunteer program placed on standby for most of 2021. It was restarted in August 2021. Recruitment began full force in February to prepare for a new program called Volunteers in Patrol Service (VIPS), as well as all the other programs available. The VIPS volunteers will act as community ambassadors as well as work closely with our Police Area Representative officers to prevent crime and report any suspicious activity. Disabled Parking Enforcement came back in full swing, with volunteers enforcing the handicapped parking space laws throughout the City of El Paso. The volunteer program is committed to growing the volunteer base and allowing more people to assist the Department. We are partnering with a new school, Howard Payne University, to allow students to intern in order to further their education. Community events are always recruitment opportunities to grow our volunteer base. Victim Services – In 2021, the Victim Services Response Team (VSRT) began collaborating more closely with the Center Against Sexual and Family Violence (CASFV) by having a case manager present at their Family Resource Center and Emergency Shelter once a week. They are able to provide direct services to victims, and assist with completing a Crime Victims Compensation application. The VSRT unit has also met with all the CASFV staff to provide them with a better understanding of Texas laws, the limitations that law enforcement officers encounter, and the criminal justice process. The VSRT unit also increased participation in community events to educate and inform the public on VSRT services. Property Office – For 2021, the El Paso Police Department’s Property Office had goals to assist the District Attorney’s Office with evidence, increase storage space, and decrease the amount of property needing to be processed. To accomplish these goals, the Property Office successfully streamlined the video and property requests for the DA’s Office by creating an email group that
sends the request directly to the intake staff. To reduce the amount of stored alcohol, cases were submitted to the respective CID sections for final disposition. Once disposition was rendered, TABC was contacted and items were properly disposed of. To assist with daily operations and manage the intaking of property, a civilian supervisor was hired. This position assists with managing the intaking of property, sending out correction notices, and supervising the civilian staff. To further assist with property and increase storage, a metal shredder was recently installed to destroy property, seized handguns, and various other types of electronics and metals. Additionally, the Property Office will continue to store COVID-19 PPE supplies for distribution to the regional commands. NIBIN – In 2021, the Ballistics Intelligence Unit (BIU) strived to continue its mission to support the investigative units within the El Paso Police Department. In addition to in-house support, the BIU also networked and established working relationships with the DEA and ATF offices in Las Cruces, New Mexico as well as the Socorro Police Department. During the year, the BIU assisted in over 120 active cases for those various outside agencies. The BIU processed 428 active cases within the El Paso Police Department subsequently entering 828 evidentiary casings into the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN). Of those active cases within the Department, the BIU was able to provide investigators with 83 workable investigative leads. It should be noted that within those leads, nine leads were forwarded to Crimes Against Persons (CAP) and 25 leads were forwarded to the Gang Unit. The BIU was ranked Top 5 in
Auxiliary 1: Alarm Detail – The goal of the Alarm Detail Unit is to reduce the amount of false alarm calls every year. By reducing the number of false alarms, it allows patrol officers to handle fewer calls and be available in the field. The Alarm Detail Unit will strive to reduce the amount of the repeat false alarms in 2022 by conducting more in-person follow-ups. Educating businesses and residents with alarm systems will bring a quick result and lessen the amount of calls for service. Comparing 2020 to 2021 statistics, there were 498 fewer alarm notices given to the Alarm Detail and the number of accounts fined showed an increase of $1,100. Honor Guard – In 2021, the El Paso Police Department Honor Guard was on track with their mission and had a noteworthy year. During the year, the Honor Guard was in charge of and led 53 ceremonial events and arranged 17 funerals. The Honor Guard organized Auxiliary Services
and executed two Line of Duty Death funerals for Detective Camerino Santiago and Lieutenant Jonathan Terrazas, the first for the El Paso Police Department. The Honor Guard also organized the 2021 Police Week events and ceremonies for surviving families of Fallen Officers. Other prominent events that the El Paso Police Department Honor Guard was a part of included the Winterfest Parade, First Responders Night at the El Paso Chihuahuas and Locomotives Sports Teams, as well as City- and State-sponsored events. The Honor Guard was fortunate to grow and added seven new members to the team to assist with the Honors that the unit provides. Juvenile Transfer – It was a productive year in the Juvenile Transfer Unit. The Juvenile Transfer officer assisted with a multi-agency runaway operation, in which several juveniles were located in the El Paso County area as well as five different states, to include California, Oklahoma, and Puerto Rico. The Juvenile Transfer officer has continued the efforts in attempting to locate the juveniles, having outstanding directives to apprehend with constant updates on the cases. Currently, 21 juveniles remain outstanding. Pawn Shop – Pawn Shop personnel continue to provide services to the investigating units and the officers and detectives of the Department. The unit was able to make contact with secondhand stores as well as the pawn shops throughout 2021, even with the issues of COVID-19 and its variants. The Pawn Shop Unit was able to process 101,687 more tickets in 2021 than in 2020. Pawn Shop personnel were also able to process 1,278 gun checks more in 2021 than in 2020. Court Liaison Section – For 2021, Court Liaison worked in conjunction with Municipal Court to help schedule 140,000 cases.
Auxiliary Services Alarm Notices Received Finable Alarm Accounts
118 11
803 $52,650 5,101 3,806 92,650 140,587 53 17 5,944 81
Misdemeanor Transfer Cases Handled Felony Transfer Cases Handled Citations Municipal Court Processed Municipal Court Cases Scheduled
1,059 275
198 13
Honor Guard Events Funerals Coordinated Victims Assisted Volunteers on Roster
472 1,854 $6,135.28
Special Events/Permits Requested Juvenile Directives to Apprehend Apprehensions
130 116 44
3,018 965 36
Cases Submitted to Lab for Testing Call-Outs to Collect Narcotics
National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) Cases Test Fires Triaged NIBIN Entries Leads 378 2,303 828 83
the State of Texas for time to crime casing entry into NIBIN, fulfilling their core value of being a real-time intelligence and investigative asset for the Department.
Pawn Shop Tickets Processed Guns Checked
542,974 6,149
2021 Annual Report
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