
Main ingredients and benefits ਖ਼ቦ ߅ ॑ૺ৖቉


10 Herbs & Berries complex 10 ᒬ ۾ݻ Ꭷ᜖ਫறખ

Antioxidant properties of 10 kinds of herbs and berries that are rich in vitamins and polyphenols help to improve resilience and firmness of the skin. шĈ  ƞ؀Ǖȉ໠ư ߂ ஻͔̉Ͼ뻟 ߒ Ĉ ࡓ ֲĀ άŀٌŠĠ᝽뻟ĈՎǘϑ ړ প ٽ Ā ࡧቶਜ਼ஜᒘ ࣞă White Flower complex helps to boost skin vitality. Ƀɓͷԉ̉Ͼ ᄋဍ૫२૚ೆă Galactosidase filtrate, Trehalose, Beta Glucan extracted from Schizophyllum commune and Portulaca Oleracea extract hold the moisture in the skin, making it healthy and vibrant. ̉ϾǨ ߒ ͤ౶܎ཕ೺Ŀ࿍ˀ뺮ʄ᠑܎뺮ജጙཕ ¼ ୉ࣙ܎뺮҈෨ᱼ؀ǕᙼȿDžĩ Ⴤᓕ૫२ᆬಯ ᒄମྏጵഗပࡼၺॊLjഎບ२୉ఙᎌࡧೆă Licorice extract and cloudberries, also known as Nordic wild strawberries, help to brighten skin. ऴ؀ᙼȿˀŠֆ೶뻟ƣ؆Ѐ ߇ Ň࢝໠뻟 ᎌᓐ᎖ ᄋೡ२ྻă

Rooibos ݇ိ ކ

Rosemary ධࢴሧ

Green Tea ൊ ކ

Lemon Balm ሧक़ ݻ

Lady Mantle Ꭼጠ ݻ ၢ


Hibiscus ෸ᮘ

Acai Berry گ ᇝ᜖

Cranberry ൹Ꮧ᜖

Blueberry ౸᜖

Rosehip එਕਫ

White Flower complex ڹ ઔᇹ೰றખ

White Rose ڹ එਕ

Edelweiss ኩྐઔ

Freesia ቃ ݲ ౾

Lotus ೋઔ


Portulaca Oleracea extract ൫ ߙ ᛒ᜵ན

Trehalose ਱᏿ჱ

Beta Glucan ˸ ໅௡ჱ

Galactosidase ferment filtrate ۍ ྛჱᛟඔख୵൉ጘ


Licorice জ ݻ

Cloudberry લඓ

Sei Bella Bio-Cellulose Repair Mask Improved protection sheets for optimum results ၺ • ۴ขညᇕሏᆒኀઐෂෞ ቤဍ଀ۣઐෞཱུิ፱ᎌᔢଛ቉ਫ

Sei Bella Bio-Cellulose Repair Mask includes 10 Herbs & Berries complex and White Flower complex – the bio-cellulose sheet adheres to the contours of your face, enabling absorption of the essence deep into your skin. ၺ • ۴ขညᇕሏᆒኀઐෂෞᏦ਺ 21 ᒬ ۾ݻ Ꭷ᜖ਫற ખਜ਼ ڹ ઔறખ . ݙ ࡣถᅲගॲᄣ᎖೓ ݝ ൔ౬ৎถᎌ ቉୓றખ ࠅ ࡴᒗ૫२࢏ ށ ă

Indulge in this mask twice a week for best results ୐ፇඛᒲဧ፿ 3 ࠨ ཱུิ૫२ঢ၊ගዕ৖቉

1. Reduce appearance of wrinkles ૫२ᇼᒘᇄ੩ 2. Brighten dull skin tone બखීೡ 3. Whitening and hydrating ග ڹ ၺต


Bio sheet hold more essences with upgraded protection sheets (Mesh absorb less essence than non-woven fabric)

Easy to remove from Bio Sheet (Mesh attach to smaller surfaces and easy to remove)

Sei Bella Bio-Cellulose Repair Mask ၺĄ۴ขညᇕሏᆒኀઐෂෞ SKU3281 | Box - 5 x 30g ૿̕ Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM 238.50 SAVE 40% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM 143.00 (18pts)


New ᫝ Mesh ȅಝ

Old ᬔ Non-woven fabric ƄๆҘ

⩌➖䲏㛉ღ㏠ᰡ็⮱㇫ࡻ⋟ ȅಝ ۃ ʵĀ̉Ͼ઄ȤƄๆҘȠŢɺ


ᰡღᭀϻ⩌➖䲏㛉ࢥ䮑 ȅಝભ֪ĀǚϗևŇ뻟Ƒ̗Ͳ࿿ פ



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