
How does CraveBlocker work?

It uses four natural sources to help conquer cravings from both the stomach and the brain.

჈ဧ፿႐ᒬᄖ཭౶Ꮞ ۑ ᓐ፩ᐵᆞਜ਼ ࡍ ฎࡼమᆃă ሏಸᓿ๼ऱྙੜᏥᔫǛ

Chicory Root ௛ᛎো

Oats ዠ൱

Milk ฻ฆ

Potato ൫അၛ

Satisfies the stomach ൸ᔗঋ༏

Signals the brain ာፀฎ ݝ

Inulin: A soluble fiber from chicory root that expands in the stomach and slows the emptying process,

Beta-glucan: Derived from oats, it helps prolong the absorption of energy from food—and reduces the absorption

Whey protein isolate: Derived from milk, it promotes the release of cholecystokinin (CCK), the hormone that tells your brain to turn off hunger cravings. ྛ༹ࡨ ;ڹ ནᔈ฻ฆLj ࠳ ஠ࡠฌ၃Ⴡ )DDL*ࡼॊබLjࠥ੗ऑඥᎌ ᓐ᎖ଢ଼ࢅ ࡍ ฎჅ ޘ ညࡼ૬ ऌঢă

Potato enzyme extract (Pi2):

Clinically proven to increase CCK levels, satisfying your brain and controlling your emotional and mental cravings. ൫അၛඔ᜵ན; ೹ ࠌ ၂ዩᑺဣLjభ ࠳ ஠ DDLࡼॊබLjถ൸ᔗ ࡍ ฎLj఼݀ᒜ༽ኙਜ਼ ࡍ ฎჅ ޘ ညࡼအᎷă

helping you feel satisfied longer.

of fat. Also creates a lasting feeling of satisfaction.

௛ჱ; ནᔈ௛ᛎোࡼభྎቶሏᆒLj Ᏼ ޢ ᆞᒦຊᑅLj݀દਜ਼ ޢ ᆞ ๝హਭ ߈ Ljถᐐଝ݀ዓ ޠ ۥ ᔗঢă

୵ෲ໅௡ჱ; ནᔈዠ൱Ljᎌᓐ᎖ዓ ޢޠ ᆞ ࠭အᇕᒦᇢནེ೟ࡼဟମ - ି࿩ᒂलࡼᇢ၃ăᄴဟLjཱུ ิ፱ᎌৎ ߒ ௉ࡼ ۥ ᔗঢă

Hunger cravings creating temptations? Give yourself satisfaction instead. Attain CraveBlocker Bars and Shakes have Melaleuca’s proprietary CraveBlocker formula inside to help you stay in control of those cravings. ซጲࢎᎵ૬ऌঢǛੜ ݙ ৊ᔈ଄ጙ॑൸ᔗঢă ڔ ᄛۖਜ਼፦ዸፙອ਺ගಘଜᓜಽሏಸᓿ๼ऱLj ۑ ᓐิ఼ᒜအᎷă

ᒑኊጲ ڔ ᄛۖਜ਼ ڔ ᄛ፦ዸፙອན ࡔ ิࡼഃအLj૞Ᏼ ݫ ดᄗଝጙ॑ ڔ ᄛۖ૞፦ዸፙອ ૾భăᎅ᎖ሏಸᓿ๼ऱ)DsbwfCmpdlfs*ถ ۑ ᓐิ఼ᒜิࡼအᎷLjิ୓્ৎᎌ ۥ ᔗঢLj ፐऎถৎීᒝ࢐ᔫ߲୷୉ఙࡼ࢛ቦ ݫ ፙኡᐋ..ጐ௓ဵ୉ఙᄏᒮ਌ಯࡼਈ୆ă Simply replace your current snacks with Attain CraveBlocker Bars and Shakes, or add a bar or shake to a small sensible meal. As CraveBlocker helps you control your hunger cravings, you’ll feel more satisfied and better able to make smart snack time and mealtime choices—a key to healthy weight loss.

Super Value Promotion Save RM17.10 ۾ Ꮬᄂૉဏ RM17.10

ttain A ® Shake DQ\ÁDYRXU + Attain ® Bar DQ\ÁDYRXU ڔ ᄛ፦ዸፙອ )ాᆜྀኡ* , ڔ ᄛۖ )ాᆜྀኡ*  KU8135 S | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM204.50 SAVE 32% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM138.40 (14pts)



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM121.30 (11pts)

16 Mela Life


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