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Personal development

Whether it’s by reading a book or going to a seminar, taking an active interest in your personal development could be the best thing for your career.

P ersonal development can be a life changing event. Talk to anyone in the personal development world and you will likely hear some version of their epiphany story of how they got started. They are also continuously sharing the books they’re reading, the seminars they’re attending, and their favorite podcasts. Those who are serious about personal development turn it into an obsession. They’re always consuming content – in the morning, in the car, on a walk, or at the gym.

Adam Zach

Then you have those who scoff at the idea of personal development or make excuses. They say they don’t have enough time, reading is boring, blah blah blah. I should know, because that was me. Upon graduation from college, I vowed never to read a book again after the torturous 100+ credit hours of technical jargon in engineering school. But then I did, and it changed my life. It is my experience that most folks who get into personal development do so between the ages of 18-40 years old. If you don’t by age 40, you likely never will. I’m sharing this in the hope that someone will decide to pick up a personal development book

and start reading (or listening on Audible). I graduated from college and was eager to finally get out in the working world and start earning an income. At first, things were new and exciting and, at times, overwhelming. About two to five years after college, a lull happened. When you start a family or have your first kid, you start to question everything in life, including your career. This was my experience, but it was my own fault. Engineers are awesome and do some radically cool things. Engineering can also be highly technical and mundane depending on your role. Doing what I deemed “grunt work” as an entry-level engineer

See ADAM ZACH, page 12


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