RINEHART Poinsettia
RINEHART 15-436 • 8 week response time
• Natural flower in week 47 • Height: 16-18 in | 40-45 cm
This natural compact growing variety is perfect to use for 6 inch production. After the pinch, the strong stem branching leads to a medium to compact plant height, with no PGR application requirements. 436 is an early variety with a finishing time from week 47 to 48. The very high heat tolerance makes it a very good performer in both the southern and northern states of the US. Una variedad compacta perfecta para macetas de 6´´. Después de la poda, sus ramas fuertes pero cortas logran llenar la maceta sin necesidad de reguladores de crecimiento. Esta variedad temprana tiene gran resistencia a altas temperaturas.
RINEHART 15-436 Poinsettia hybrid
RINEHART 16-529 First Red • 8 week response time
• Natural flower in week 47 • Height: 14-16 in | 35-40 cm 529 is a variety for 6 and 8 inch production for the week 49 sales window. This variety can be grown in a short growing schedule and allows a late crop start. It’s vigorous growth habit requires growth regulator treatment for the 6 inch production. With the finishing bracts expansion, 529 shows a bright red presentation with a classic Christmas look. Una variedad ideal para macetas de 6 u 8 pulgadas. Es una planta vigorosa que no necesita tiempos largos de producción, con brácteas rojas brillantes, típicas de la época navideña.
FIRST RED 16-529 Poinsettia hybrid
142 | Vivero 2020 Catalog
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