Willow PT_4 Quick Ways to Relieve Sciatica

4WAYS TO QUICKLY RELIEVE SCIATICA 1. Get properly diagnosed by a physical therapist. Other low back conditions can present as sciatica symptoms and it is important to determine the exact origins of your symptoms. Seeing a physical therapist sooner, rather than later, means faster recovery and less potential for damage that can occur to the spinal joints and nerves.

2. Alternate heat and ice to the low back and buttock area. Ice helps to relieve inflammation, while heat, helps relax muscles and improve blood flow. Try 10 minutes on, 30 minutes off when alternating. Make sure to check your skin frequently to prevent injury. Speak with one of our specialists if you have questions on what will work best for you. 3. Position yourself to relax your low back and take the pressure off the nerve. Two ways to do this are either: 1. Lie on your non-painful side with your knees bent comfortably with the top knee slightly forward of the other. 2. Lie on your back with a pillow under your knees. (Find your best position of comfort). 4. Lying on your back, knees bent, slowly rock knees side to side to gently stretch your low back. This can help relax the muscles and relieve nerve pain. Speak to one of our specialists if you have questions on which exercises you should do. While sciatica can literally be a pain in the backside, it doesn’t have to stay with you. Simple strategies and seeing the right physical therapist early can make a big difference in quickly healing and returning to the pain free activities you love. TASTY RECIPE ENGLISH MUFFIN BREAKFAST SANDWICHES

INGREDIENTS • 6 English muffins, sliced in half • 6 large eggs

• 6 slices Cheddar cheese • 6 slices deli ham • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 5 ramekins, or a jumbo muffin tin and place on a cookie sheet. Crack one egg into each ramekin. Pierce egg yolk with a fork and very slightly beat. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Bake eggs for 12-15 minutes or until set. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Run a knife around the edge of ramekin (or muffin tin) to remove eggs. To assemble breakfast sandwich, layer one half of each English muffin with one slice of cheese, one slice of ham and a cooked egg. Top with other half of English muffin. Wrap sandwich in plastic wrap and place in the freezer. To reheat, place in microwave for 1-2 minutes, or until warmed through.

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