66 | Teaching, Learning and Student Development
Curriculum Renewal As a university with a stellar international reputation, The UWI, Cave Hill Campus engages in a continuous curric- ulum renewal process in order that its programmes remain attractive and relevant in the face of a dynamic and ever- changing global, competitive environment. It is undoubtedly the only way that the Campus could honour its commit- ment to its students, by providing them with the best possible education that will define and shape their knowl- edge, skills and character in sync with the desired attributes of a UWI graduate and a global citizen. Furthermore, it is the foremost way in which the institution can continue to make an immense contribution on national, regional and international levels.
New/Revised Programmes Approved by the Board for Undergraduate Studies (BUS) and the Board for Graduate Studies and Research (BGSR) In academic year 2021/2022, there were several submis- sions to BUS and BGSR from the Cave Hill Campus for new or revised undergraduate and postgraduate programmes which received approval. The programmes that were approved by BUS for delivery during the year were in an effort to harmonise degree programmes across the University. Programmes that received approval from both Boards are presented in Tables 5 and 6.
Table 5: New/Revised Undergraduate Programmes Approved by BUS – Academic Year 2021/2022
Culture, Creative and Performing Arts
BFA Special in Music
To begin effective academic year, 2022/2023
See note 1
Humanities and Education Revised BA Theology 1
Medical Sciences
Revised MBBS
With effect from 2022
Science and Technology
Revised BSc Science and Psychology Revised BSc Science with Psychology BSc with Minor in Environmental Science BSc Accounting Special BSc Double Major in Management BSc Management and another Discipline BSc Management Major BSc Management with Business Analytics BSc Management with a minor Revised BSc Psychology with Management Revised BSc Psychology with Sociology Revised BSc Psychology with Political Science Revised Diploma in Taxation and Management
Social Sciences
The BSc Accounting Special was revised in alignment with The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) guidelines and stipulations. Accounting programmes will hold ACCA accreditation for a period of 5 years from January 1, 2022, until December 31, 2026. Graduates of the BSc Accounting and Finance programme will receive all ACCA foundation exemptions.
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