McCraine Law Firm - September 2017

The Most Exciting Years of Your Life! Developing a Passion After Retirement

For many people, getting older often leads to an increase in free time. For me, not so much, thanks to my 8-year- old daughter and all that goes along with raising a child. So, retirement is a long way away for me, but for others, when they retire and the children have left the nest, many schedule slots open up. And when you suddenly have full days to spend at your leisure, it can be an intimidating experience. I would suggest filling up this influx of free time by developing a skill or revisiting a long-lost hobby or passion. Everyone has things they wish they were better at or hobbies that were squeezed out of their busy lives. Maybe you were a phenomenal high school swimmer and are

ready to dive back into the pool; perhaps you have always wanted to play the piano or learn a foreign language. Whatever sparks your interest, there is no better time than after retirement to pursue it. When you are deciding how you want to fill your days, you should ask yourself some key questions. Are you a social person, or do you prefer solitary activity? What goals do you want to achieve in your later life? When you think back to your youth, what really inspired you? The answers to these questions will help you hone in on the most rewarding projects. Don’t limit the sources of pleasure in your life. Try as many new things as you want. Stick with those you love most. Whether

you take up organic farming, tai chi, or digital photography, do so with gusto, and you will be rewarded. You will impress your loved ones in no time. A lack of commitments can be scary, or it can be exhilarating. If you fill your days with the people and endeavors that bring you the most joy, your later years will be more exciting than your earlier ones. Following your dreams is not something that has an age limit. For myself, just like my dad, Big George, I don’t have to look for things to do in my “spare time.” I can always find a project or 12 to do on the farm or at home! —George

Have a Laugh on Us!

1) 2) 3) 4)

When was the first Labor Day celebrated in the U.S.?

A) B)


C) D)

1901 1882


Where was the first Labor Day parade held?

A) B)

Boston Chicago

C) D)

Las Vegas New York

What was the original federal minimum wage?

A) B)

$0.75 per hour $2.75 per hour

C) D)

$1.25 per hour $3.50 per hour

What is the current federal minimum wage?

A) $7.25 per hour B) $10.92 per hour C) $7.95 per hour D) $8.29 per hour | 3

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