Coconut Caramel Popcorn Healthy Recipe
•1/3cupFrench vanillaCoconutCreamer •1/2cupunpoppedkernels •1/2cup veganbutter
•1/2 tbspcinnamon •1/4 tspsalt • 1/4 cup dried coconut flakes, unsweetened, toasted •1 tsp vanilla
•3 tbspagavenectar,amber •1/2cupdarkbrownsugar
Instructions Pop favorite popcorn from yellow corn kernels over stove top or use favorite microwavepopcornbrand.Spreadonbakingsheetandsetaside. Inasaucepan, melt vegan spread and stir in agave, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt until dissolved. Take the pan off the heat and slowly whisk in the creamer until well combined. Return to heat, and continue to whisk for 10 minutes or until sauce reaches an amber color and thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon. Stir in coconut flakes and vanilla. Let cool slightly before drizzling over popcorn. Drizzle mixture over popcorn and blend in with a spatula. Serve immediately. *This recipe issharedcourtesyofSoDeliciousDairyFree.
I absolutely love this place! It’s a family owned business and they’re very attentive to clients needs. They have a great space which includes both physical therapy and personal training. I recently visited for physical therapy to get some help with my IT Band issues. Rashmi really helped me with my injury with acknowledging where my weaknesses were and giving exercises to strengthen and stretches to relieve tightness. Thanks to the Vert family and Rashmi I’m back to running again. I highly recommend this place. You will not be disappointed. - Nicole L Ingredientes
Patient Success Spotlight
“Now I enjoy walking in the park with my grandchildren!” “ I was with Roadside Physical Therapy for physical therapy, and I made it part of routine because I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Before I met them, I was in so much pain all over my body (my neck, my shoulders, and my knees), and I could not even walk because of so much pain. The physical therapists at Roadside Physical Therapy gave me specific exercises for my condition, and now I enjoy walking in the park with my grandchildren and doing my chores without pain!” - MariaG. Historias de éxito de pacientes “¡Ahora disfruto de caminar en el parque con mis nietos!” “Fui a Roadside Physical Therapy para recibir fisioterapia, y lo convertí en parte de mi rutina, porque me diagnosticaron con artritis reumatoide. Antes de ir a verlos, tenía muchísimo dolor en todo mi cuerpo (mi cuello, mis hombros y mis rodillas), y no podía ni siquiera caminar a causa de tanto dolor. Los fisioterapeutas en Roadside Physical Therapy me dieron ejercicios específicos para mi condición, ¡y ahora puedo disfrutar de caminar en el parque con mis nietos y hacer mis labores en la casa sin sentir dolor!” - MariaG.
Palomitas de maíz con coco y caramelo Receta Saludable
•1/3 tazadevainilla francesaCoconutCreamer •1/2 tazadegranospalomitasdemaíz •1/2 tazademanteca vegana •3cucharadasdenéctardeagave,ámbar •1/2 tazadeazúcarmorenaoscura
•1/2cucharadadecanela •1/4cucharaditadesal • 1/4 taza de copos de coco secos, sin azúcar, tostados •1cucharaditade vainilla
Instrucciones Pon las palomitas de maíz de tu preferencia sobre la hornalla o elige las palomitas para microondas. Ponlas en una bandeja para hornear y reserva. En una cacerola, derrite la manteca vegana y agrega el agave, el azúcar moreno, la canela y la sal hasta que se disuelva. Retira la sartén del fuego y bate lentamente la crema hasta que esté bien combinada. Vuelve a calentar y continúa batiendo durante10 minutos o hasta que la salsa alcance un color ámbar y se espese lo suficiente como para cubrir laparteposteriordeunacuchara.Agrega loscoposdecocoy lavainilla.Deja enfriar un poco antes de rociar sobre las palomitas de maíz. Rocía la mezcla sobre las palomitas de maíz y mezcla con una espátula. Sirve inmediatamente. *Esta recetaescortesíadeSoDeliciousDairyFree.
Exercise Essentials Helps Relieve Back Pain
Ejercicios esenciales Ayuda a aliviar el dolor de espaldas
Sudoku Level Hard / Nivel difícil
4 5 1
Puente con soporte Acuéstate de espaldas con las rodillas dobladasy lospiesalanchode lacadera. Coloca tus pies lo suficientemente cerca para que puedas tocarlos con las puntas de losdedos. Inhalay levanta lascaderas, colocaunbloquedebajodelsacro.Mantén el pecho abierto. Mantén durante 30 segundos y repite 10 veces.
Supported Bridge Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enough so they can be touchedby the finger tips. Inhale and lift thehips,placeablockunder the sacrum. Keep the chest open. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times.
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8 6 5
8 1 4
n° 315825 - Level Hard
Always consult yourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercises youareunsureofdoing. Siempre consultaa tu fisioterapeutaomédicoantesde comenzar losejerciciosquenoestás segurodehacer.
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