When Your Favorite Remedies Aren't Working Anymore

The Everyday Exercise That Can Strengthen Your Core Quickly, and Ease Back Pain.

Have you ever wondered how to do a plank the right way? Doing exercises improperly can lead to injury. See below for the right way to plank. HOW TO DO A PLANK 1. Start by getting into a press up position. 2. Bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms and not on your hands. 3. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles. 4. Engage your core by sucking your belly button into your spine. 5. Hold this position for the prescribed time.


The Ideal Protein Weightloss Method “I Have Gone Off One Of My Diabetic Pills!” “Thanks Rehab Access for helping me lose weight with Ideal Protein. With a physician’s busy schedule, it is often difficult to find the time to prepare meals during the day. The Ideal Protein meals are so quick and simple to prepare. Now I never skip a meal. Best part is the food is really good!” - Dr. Alan Lewis

Finally Lose That Embarrassing Belly, Bottom & Arm Fat In Just A Few Short Weeks What to Expect Based on the experiences of over 3,000 clinics worldwide, the Ideal Protein Protocol enables the following: • Structured weight loss while supporting muscle mass. • An understanding of how food affects and is utilized by the body, including what causes fat storage. • Weekly one-on-one coaching, lifestyle education and guidance.

• Personalized approach to setting weight loss goals, based on your health profile. • Losing weight can improve blood sugar, cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure.

Don’t Waste Anymore Time. Get Your Own Personal Weight Loss Exam, Call 504-398-2004 Results while following the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method may vary from person to person, or from individual to individual. Authorized Ideal Protein administrator, Rehab Access Fitness LLC.

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