editor's note

September has always been one of my favour i te months of the year and in Madr id, we see fal l ing temperatures and I get to exper ience the joy of needing a cardigan for the evening - i t 's the simple things isn' t i t? I had the joy this month of chatt ing wi th some incredible women who happen to be sober and the pleasure of spending t ime chatt ing wi th our 'one man for the issue. Travis Akers was honest and open as to his struggles wi th alcohol in the past and the joy and grat i tude he feels each day that he doesn' t dr ink. I met wi th the amazing Kelsey Morei ra the Founder Doughp who is an inspi r ing young CEO rocking the business world and has been acknowledged as one of the Forbes 30 under 30. SHE RECOVERS Co-Founder Dawn Nickel was so gracious wi th her t ime and I was thr i l led to hear she has such strong I r ish roots. Who hasn' t l istened to Jean McCarthy of The Bubble Hour fame? She kindly invi ted me into her home for a zoom chat on al l things sober on her journey. As always our contr ibutors and the fabulous team of columnists stepped up to the plate this month wr i t ing flawlessly about what 's on thei r mind this Autumn-Fal l . I am hugely grateful to you the reader for joining me and team Hola Sober on this journey and may September smi le as we look skyward and say not today lady, not today.

Susan Chr ist ina ED I TOR + P U B L I S H E R Susan Christina

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