Message from TTEC executive leadership team
What’s new in 2023? • We launched our global Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions reporting, building a foundation for Scope 3 reporting and emission- reduction targets; • We rolled out our Impact Strategy Practice to fuel economic vibrancy around the world, where quality employment opportunities can make a generational difference; • We embraced the transparency offered by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TFCD) and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), aligning to them as well as to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework that we previously provided to our stakeholders; • We created a Responsible AI Use Council to govern ethical use of artificial intelligence in our business; • We refined our Diversity Council’s charter, expanding our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives to all geographies where we have employees; • We formalized our long-standing environmental stewardship commitment through the new Climate Change and Environmental Responsibility policy; • We enhanced our Health and Safety program, launching a cross-disciplinary working group to ensure a safe and productive work environment for our employees everywhere; • We expanded our Modern Slavery Statements from regional commitments to a global policy that covers all our operations; and
“Bringing Humanity to Business” is not just a slogan on our website. This credo represents our purpose- driven commitment to bring value to our world. We focus on cultivating great experiences for our clients, their customers, and our 60,000+ employees who enjoy growth-oriented career opportunities across six continents. Our commitment to environmentally and socially responsible business practices and insistence on good governance began in 1982. Today, these priorities remain at the heart of all we do as we position TTEC to be the Employer of Choice, Provider of Choice, and Investment of Choice.
Our 2023 Impact and Sustainability Report
TTEC’s Impact and Sustainability Report highlights our progress on the journey for sustainable and social responsibility growth. In providing this annual Report, we invite our clients, employees, partners, and shareholders to hold us accountable and offer their feedback. Our 2023 Report highlights our progress on three key priorities that were refined through the Impact materiality assessment that we performed in 2023:
Investments in our people and communities
Commitment to good governance
Doing our part in climate stewardship
TTEC’s dedication to impact and sustainability aligns with our company values and brings out the very best in all of us.”
—Ken Tuchman, Chairman, CEO, and founder
• We upgraded our supplier onboarding processes to make sure that our suppliers share our values.
4 TTEC 2023 Impact and Sustainability Report
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