TTEC 2023 Impact & Sustainability Report



Intellectual property: Do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others. Those involved in the utilization of AI in TTEC’s business and client solutions must consult with the Responsible AI Council and with the company’s legal department to take appropriate steps to protect the company’s intellectual property and avoid releasing it into the public domain without appropriate protection.

Human oversight: If used in connection with decisions that affect our applicants, employees, or client customers, TTEC will make sure that human oversight is present in the decision-making process as required by law and such humans will also be able to override any such decisions made by applicable AI tools. Any party impacted by an automated decision may challenge such decision and receive a review by an employee of the Company with appropriate expertise in the subject matter involved in the decision. Responsible AI Council


Transparency: Must be transparent and we must inform our employees and our clients about how we use it, what data we collect in connection with its use, and what data we use to train our AI tools.

TTEC formed the generative AI utilization oversight governance body known as the Responsible AI Council in 2023. Council


Validation: Must be regularly evaluated, validated, and audited in order to identify and address potential biases in its outcomes and to seek to correct inaccurate information created by such tools.

members are appointed by the TTEC executive leadership team and include AI subject matter experts and at least one representative from key stakeholder groups: business segments, corporate functions, information technology, legal/risk, data governance, and ethics. Responsible AI Council members may represent multiple stakeholder organizations as long as they have the required background and expertise. The Council approves, denies, or modifies the parameters of generative AI usage as they best meet TTEC’s business needs, subject to all of TTEC’s relevant policies (including our AI Use policy), as well as relevant legal requirements. The Council periodically reviews its activities with TTEC’s executive leadership team and the Security and Technology Committee of the Board of Directors.


Performance and accuracy: Must perform in a manner that is consistent with the intended purposes for such AI tools. This includes ensuring that our AI tools produce outputs that have an appropriate level of accuracy and are sufficiently robust in their design, development, and deployment to provide the functionality that is reasonably expected for its utilization.


Continuous improvement and feedback: Must be such that its results are observable and can incorporate feedback. Those employees who utilize AI in their work or have the opportunity to observe its outputs and see flaws, inaccuracies, or meaningful improvement opportunities, will have the responsibility to come forward with their observations to those responsible for the specific AI tool. Such employees can also bring their concerns to their supervisors, any member of the Responsible AI Council, or connect with We Hear You (WHY), the TTEC ethics helpline, reachable at

We harness the power of AI to innovate responsibly and give our clients and our people an opportunity to use AI as a force for good.” —Dave Seybold, CEO, TTEC Digital


TTEC 2023 Impact and Sustainability Report

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