- bakery or grocery store muffins and cookies – these often contain traces of nuts
Baked items must be labeled nut free and Kosher or nut free and Kosher dairy.
Where can you find kosher certified foods? - Tom Thumb, Coit & Campbell (1380 W. Campbell Road, Richardson) - Tom Thumb, Preston Forest (11920 Preston Road, Dallas) - Trader Joe’s - Whole Foods and Central Market stores - Milk and Honey Kosher Foods, Coit & Roundrock (420 N. Coit Road, Richardson)
SNACK SUGGESTIONS: _____ sun butter * great alternative to peanut butter _____ fresh fruit
_____ fresh vegetables _____ raisins/dried fruit _____ yogurt _____ Philadelphia Cream Cheese _____ string cheese/cheese (Ha-Olam, Migdal, Emek, Tilamook) _____ crackers (various brands) _____ cottage cheese _____ applesauce _____ whole grain cereals (nut free)
VISITORS Levine Academy’s Early Childhood grants access to the school building for scheduled appointments and special events. Parents, family members, and visitors can find special event times posted in the school’s newsletter and on the classroom’s Brightwheel app. All visitors must check-in at the EC entrance and present their Levine Badge, or driver’s license to be screened through the school’s Raptor system upon entering the building. Your parent badge or visitor sticker must be visible at all times.
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