Cullen Technical Guide 2025


Technical Information The technical information contained in this brochure is correct at the time of updating. ITW Construction Products Offsite reserve the right to amend, change or update the technical information without giving prior notice. For current product updates and technical information, visit our website The contents of this brochure and the latest product updates posted on the website supersede all previous Cullen publications including all brochures, installation guides, manuals and information sheets. General Guidelines

NB . Any modification to any Cullen custom–made or manufactured connector and/or hanger product will void any warranty given by Cullen in relation to that particular connector and/or hanger product. — ITW Construction Products Offsite reserve the right to (i) change the design specifications and applications of any connector/hanger, or (ii) withdraw any connector or hanger without giving prior notice. — When selecting the appropriate connector and/or hanger, consideration must be given to the safe working loads or characteristic capacities required, bearing support and connection details within the building or structure. — For all Engineered Wood Products (EWP), ITW Construction Products Offsite recommends the hanger height be at least 60% of the joist height for lateral stability. — Any bespoke Cullen product designed by ITW Construction Products Offsite but manufactured by another (unless directed to by ITW Construction Products Offsite ) will not be covered under ITW Construction Products Offsite‘s warranty. Design Information — The integrity of the building or structure must be validated by a suitably qualified Building Designer or Engineer (the “Designer”). — The Designer is responsible for determining that the appropriate connector and/or hanger has been selected. — Location and spacing of straps must be specified by the Designer.

If you would like to be informed of new Cullen products, please visit our website.

All characteristic capacities are derived from tests and are underwritten by ITW Construction Products Offsite. All characteristic values are derived from tests carried out by independent accredited test labs (unless otherwise stated). Cullen European Technical Approvals (ETA) have been submitted for approval using British Board of Agrѐment (BBA) as the approved notified body. General Installation Information — Proper product installation and construction practices must be followed at all times. — Timber members and Engineered Wood Products may split when nailed; this may reduce their characteristic capacity. — To achieve the characteristic capacities published all specified nails and fastenings must be used and installed as per the instructions set out in this brochure. — Failure to follow proper nailing procedures and instructions will reduce the characteristic capacities. — Only bend Cullen connectors when directed to by the appropriate Cullen installation guide, and when necessary “only bend once”.

The latest most up to date version will always be online and not in print or in downloaded pdf.


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