

C ANDICE V ETTER Airflow analysis shows Embrun in path of dump fumes village of Russell as well as the west end of EmbrunandVarsindustrialpark. ofthatmethod,sayingtheTermsofReference shouldsetoutdetailsliketheexactsizeofthe study area before the EA process begins, rather than “making it up as they go along”. They also claim the entire draft ToR is too vague.

Themap,usingdataonprevailingwinds byseason,showsthatareastothenortheast, east,andsoutheastoftheproposeddumpsite inNorthRussellwouldalsobesignificantly exposed. This would include the villages of Embrun, Forest Park, Vars and Limoges, includingCalypsoWaterPark. Because winds in this area are primarily westerlies,areaseastoftheproposedfacility would be exposed to odours, particulates, fumesandairbornetoxinsthemajorityofthe time. To complicate the situation, the North Russell hill is the highest land for many kilometres.Thisheightmeansmoreodorous moleculesandparticulateswillbepickedup by the wind than from a location at lower altitude. TaggartMillerhaspostedtheirdraftterms of reference, called workplans, at http:// In the Atmospheric Work Plan section they state the site-vicinity study is anticipated to be “morethanthesurrounding500metres,”as is the case for other study area work plans. “It is common in Environmental Assessments for study areas to bemodified for certain disciplines like atmospheric,” explainedprojectmanagerHubertBourque. “The exact size of the study area will be determinedintheEAoncethedatarequired inTask4,DescribeExistingEnvironment,is compiledandassessed.” DumptheDumpNowmembersarecritical

RUSSELL | An airflow map based on EnvironmentCanadawinddatareveals that Embrun, Vars and Limoges would suffer as much negative impact to air quality as the villageof Russell. Anywhere within about five km of the proposed landfill and composting facility would be significantly exposed to odours, dust, pollutants and airborne toxins producedatthesite.Thisincludestheentire

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This airflow diagram shows the area that would be immediately impacted by landfill gases, fumes and odours from the dump proposed by Taggart Miller in NorthRussell.

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T 613 443-9901 865, Notre-Dame, Embrun ON

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La Nation • 199 900 $ MLS 818321

Crysler • 279 900 $

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Fermette de 4.9 acres sur superbe terrain aménagé. Maison rénovée de pièces avec addition. Style ouvert avec planchers de bois. Terrain boisé avec bâtiments dont atelier chauffé 30x28 pi. Crysler • 145 000 $ MLS 817129

Flagstone Meadows Modèle Heritage 1810 pi. ca. à 279 900 $. Maintenant en construction.

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Curran • 229 922 $

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St-Isidore • 149 900 $ MLS 819390

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Les gagnants du lecteur de livres numérique au lancement du modèle Crysler au projet Flagstone Meadows. Félicitations à M. & Mme Lizotte de Crysler. Dan Piché absent de la photo

2 étages, rénové au 1er avec additions à l’arrière et avant. Terrain 66x100 pi. Cuisine, recouvrements de plancher, fenêtres parmi les rénovations récentes.

Grand terrain paysagé 200x210 pi., salle familiale avec plafond cathédrale, nouvelle cuisine, beacoup d’autres rénos., poêle à bois au salon. 3+1 chambres. Sous-sol fini.

Très belle maison propre et en excellente condition ! 2 chambres à coucher et 2 salles de bains. Possession immédiate disponible ! Location parfaite, près de l’aréna et de l’école primaire.

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