
$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : THE RICEVILLE AGRICULTURAL FAIR MAKES A TRIUMPHANT RETURN

La foire agricole de Riceville revient en août après avoir été fermée l’an dernier par la pandémie, ainsi que d’autres foires rurales. De nombreux événements traditionnels feront partie de la foire de cette année, ainsi que quelques nouvelles activités.— photo d’archives


already scheduled. The president of this year’s edition, Tobias Hovey, is delighted with the resumption of activities and is satisfied with the collabora- tion of the public health office which answers all its questions when necessary. He’s not sure exactly how the Fair will go this year, that it’s a bit difficult to make big last-minute changes because it takes a lot of organization. For example, participants have to keep their horses and cows ready. Harvey says he is following closely the government’s directives. He also adds that despite the difficul- ties that the COVID-19 caused to the Fair, it allowed the creation of a new event which was successful last year and which will be back on August 29, the Backyard BBQ. For more information, he invites people to visit the Fair’s website and Facebook page.

Riceville, a small hamlet in the munici- pality of La Nation, will host, once again this year, the last weekend of August, the Riceville Agricultural Fair. For more than 145 years, Riceville has organized the Agricultural Fair, which shines the light on agriculture of the past, present and future. After a limited edition lasr year, due to health measures because of COVID-19, the Fair will look a little more normal this year. Obviously, it will be impossible, unless there are changes in the steps and mea- sures issued by the Ford government, that all the usual activities take place. To know the program, you must visit the facebook page of the event. This will be unveiled around July 23. The holding of fireworks, around 10 p.m, however, seems

The Riceville Agricultural Fair returns this August after the pandemic shut it and other country fairs down last year. Many traditional events will be part of this year’s fair along with a few new activities.— file photo

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